Node Class Reference

Represents a node in the tree. More...

#include <Node.h>

Collaboration diagram for Node:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Node (float=1.f, const std::string &="", Color color=defaultColor)
 Constructor: weightfactor, name and color for the node are passed as arguments.
 Node (const Node &)
 Copy constructor.
Nodeoperator= (const Node &)
 Overloaded assignment operator.
bool addChild (const Node &)
 Adds a child to the node's child list (child is appended at the end of the list).
bool addChild (size_t, const Node &)
 Adds a child at the given index.
bool removeChild (size_t)
 Remove the node's child at given index.
size_t getNumChildren () const
 Returns the number of children.
const NodegetChild (size_t) const
 Returns reference to the child in the node's childlist at given index.
void doLayout (float=2.f *M_PI)
 Calculates the layout for the tree.
 operator Polar () const
 Returns the node's position in polar coordinates.
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the node's name.
List< NodedoRestructedLayouts (const Node &, float=2.f *M_PI, bool=true)
bool findNode (const Node &, List< size_t > &) const
bool findNode (const Node &, Node &) const
 Recursively searches tree for node refNode.
bool findNode (const Node &) const
 Recursively searches tree for node refNode.
bool operator== (const Node &) const
 Overwritten relational "equal to" operator; comparison is made by comparing nodes' ids, which are unique.
bool operator!= (const Node &) const
 Overwritten relational "not equal to" operator; comparison is made by comparing nodes' ids, which are unique.
void getPhiRange (float &, float &) const
 Returns node's phi range.
float getWeight () const
 Returns the node's weight.
Color getColor () const
 Returns the node's color.
int getDepth () const
 Returns the depth of a node's subtree.

Static Public Attributes

static Color defaultColor = {0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f}
 default colour for nodes

Protected Member Functions

float calculateWeight (int) const
 Calculates the weight of a node; the weight of a node is the maximum of the sum of the node's childs' weights and the node's weightfactor divided by the nodes depth.
void doPlacement (float, float, float, int, bool=false, float=0.f)
 Does the placement of the node.
Node restruct (size_t) const
void doFixedLayout (float=0.f, float=2.f *M_PI, bool=true)
 Calculates the layout for the tree, given an orientation angle.

Private Types

typedef unsigned int Id

Private Attributes

float weightFactor
 weight factor of the node as read from the XML file
float r
float phi
float phi0
float phi1
Color color
 node's color
List< Nodechildren
 list of node's children
std::string name
 each node has an unique name as read from the XML file
Id id
 each Node-instance has an unique id

Static Private Attributes

static float childPadding = 0.01f
static Id idCounter = 0


struct  Color

Detailed Description

Represents a node in the tree.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned int Node::Id [private]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Node::Node ( float  = 1.f,
const std::string &  = "",
Color  color = defaultColor 
) [explicit]

Constructor: weightfactor, name and color for the node are passed as arguments.

Node::Node ( const Node  ) 

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

Node & Node::operator= ( const Node  ) 

Overloaded assignment operator.

bool Node::addChild ( const Node  ) 

Adds a child to the node's child list (child is appended at the end of the list).

bool Node::addChild ( size_t  ,
const Node  

Adds a child at the given index.

bool Node::removeChild ( size_t   ) 

Remove the node's child at given index.

size_t Node::getNumChildren (  )  const

Returns the number of children.

const Node & Node::getChild ( size_t   )  const

Returns reference to the child in the node's childlist at given index.

void Node::doLayout ( float  = 2.f *M_PI  ) 

Calculates the layout for the tree.

Node::operator Polar< float > (  )  const

Returns the node's position in polar coordinates.

const std::string & Node::getName (  )  const

Returns the node's name.

List< Node > Node::doRestructedLayouts ( const Node node,
float  fullRange = 2.f * M_PI,
bool  displacementHint = true 

Returns a list of restructured layouts of the graph. These are the keyframe-layouts for the transition animation between the old root node and the node selected as the new focus node. If the new focus node does not lie on the most inner ring (i.e. the new focus does not have a network distance of 1 to the old root node), a series of transitions between intermediate (temporal) focus nodes is performed along the path in the graph from the old focus node to the new focus node. The returned list contains all these intermediate steps of the transition animation.

bool Node::findNode ( const Node node,
List< size_t > &  pathList 
) const

Searches a node, creates a path to the nodes, in terms of child indecis to each parents' childlist. Recursively called on node's children.

bool Node::findNode ( const Node ,
) const

Recursively searches tree for node refNode.

bool Node::findNode ( const Node  )  const

Recursively searches tree for node refNode.

bool Node::operator== ( const Node  )  const

Overwritten relational "equal to" operator; comparison is made by comparing nodes' ids, which are unique.

bool Node::operator!= ( const Node  )  const

Overwritten relational "not equal to" operator; comparison is made by comparing nodes' ids, which are unique.

void Node::getPhiRange ( float &  ,
float &   
) const

Returns node's phi range.

float Node::getWeight (  )  const

Returns the node's weight.

Node::Color Node::getColor (  )  const

Returns the node's color.

int Node::getDepth (  )  const

Returns the depth of a node's subtree.

float Node::calculateWeight ( int   )  const [protected]

Calculates the weight of a node; the weight of a node is the maximum of the sum of the node's childs' weights and the node's weightfactor divided by the nodes depth.

void Node::doPlacement ( float  ,
float  ,
float  ,
int  ,
bool  = false,
float  = 0.f 
) [protected]

Does the placement of the node.

Node Node::restruct ( size_t  index  )  const [protected]

Restructures the graph and returns the root-node of the new graph. The node at given index in the current root-node's childlist (the node, this function is being called) is the new root-node and the graph is restructured such that the old root node (the new root's parent node) becomes a child of the new root node.

void Node::doFixedLayout ( float  = 0.f,
float  = 2.f *M_PI,
bool  = true 
) [protected]

Calculates the layout for the tree, given an orientation angle.

Member Data Documentation

Node::Color Node::defaultColor = {0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f} [static]

default colour for nodes

float Node::weightFactor [private]

weight factor of the node as read from the XML file

float Node::r [private]

float Node::phi [private]

float Node::phi0 [private]

float Node::phi1 [private]

Color Node::color [private]

node's color

List<Node> Node::children [private]

list of node's children

std::string Node::name [private]

each node has an unique name as read from the XML file

float Node::childPadding = 0.01f [static, private]

Id Node::id [private]

each Node-instance has an unique id

Node::Id Node::idCounter = 0 [static, private]

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