WordTreeView Class Reference

NSView for Word Tree. More...

#import <WordTreeView.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(IBAction) - start:
 Called when manually entering searchWord in searchWindow.
(IBAction) - startAtStartNode:
 Called when hitting reset button.
(void) - startWithWord:
 Displays Word Tree.
(void) - setText:
 Prepares text.
(void) - viewDidEndLiveResize
 Resizes the Word Tree according to window size.

Protected Attributes

NSScanner * scanner
NSString * searchWord
 Root of Word Tree.
 startNode of Word Tree
NSMutableSet * layers
NSSize viewSize
CGFloat maxCount
IBOutlet NSTextField * inputField
IBOutlet NSTextField * wordTextField
IBOutlet NSTextField * countTextField
IBOutlet NSPanel * wordInfoPanel
IBOutlet NSScrollView * scrollView
IBOutlet NSTextField * parentWords

Detailed Description

NSView for Word Tree.

Creates Nodes starting with startNode and recursevly adding subnodes. Then displays the Tree using Core Animation techniques.

Member Function Documentation

- (void) setText: (NSString*)  text  

Prepares text.

The text is set here. Must be called before any of the start-methods.

- (IBAction) start: (id)  sender  

Called when manually entering searchWord in searchWindow.

Gets the word from inputField.stringValue and calls startWithWord:

- (IBAction) startAtStartNode: (id)  sender  

Called when hitting reset button.

Displays Word Tree from inital startNode

- (void) startWithWord: (NSString*)  startWord  

Displays Word Tree.

Builds Word Tree starting with startWord and displays it.

- (void) viewDidEndLiveResize  

Resizes the Word Tree according to window size.

Member Data Documentation

- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) countTextField [protected]

- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) inputField [protected]

- (NSMutableSet*) layers [protected]

- (CGFloat) maxCount [protected]

- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) parentWords [protected]

- (Node*) root [protected]

Root of Word Tree.

Containing the initial searchWord

- (NSScanner*) scanner [protected]

- (IBOutlet NSScrollView*) scrollView [protected]

- (NSString*) searchWord [protected]

- (Node*) startNode [protected]

startNode of Word Tree

startNode must not be root. also used for displaying subtrees.

- (NSSize) viewSize [protected]

- (IBOutlet NSPanel*) wordInfoPanel [protected]

- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) wordTextField [protected]

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Generated on Wed Jun 3 00:27:59 2009 for Word Tree by  doxygen 1.5.9