Colloquy Cycle SS 2003
Current Schedule
In the summer term of 2003 the following talks will be organized by our Institute. The talks are partially financed by the "Arbeitskreis Graphische Datenverarbeitung" of the OCG (Austrian Computer Society)
Date | Speaker | Title | Time | Location |
21.3.2003 |
Andres Kecskemethy (Universität Duisburg, Germany) |
Computer Simulation of the Human Lower Extremity Using General Multibody Methods and its Medical Applications
10.00-11.00 s.t. | Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock |
9.5.2003 |
Matthias Teschner (ETH Zürich, Schweiz) |
Methods for Interactive Surgery Simulation
10.00-11.00 s.t. | Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock |
16.5.2003 |
Francois Faure (University Grenoble, France) |
Physically-based animation in medicine |
10.00 s.t. | Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock |
23.5.2003 |
Hamish Carr (University of British Columbia, Canada) |
Coping with Cubes
10.00-10.45 s.t. | Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock |
23.5.2003 |
Torsten Möller (Simon Fraser University, Canada) |
Volume Graphics Challenges
10.45-11.30 s.t. | Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock |
26.6.2003 |
Stefan Guthe (University Tübingen, Germany) |
Rendering and Compression of Large and Animated Volume Data
11.00-12.00 s.t. | Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock |
9.7.2003 |
Jürgen P. Schulze-Döbold (Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart, Germany) |
Integrating Pre-Integration Into The Shear-Warp Algorithm
17.30 s.t. | Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock |
Computer Simulation of the Human Lower Extremity by General Multibody Methods and its Medical Applications
Andres Kecskemethy, Germany
The computer simulation of the human musculoskeletal system is playing
an increasingly important role in medical diagnosis as well as in the
planning of corrections, physiotherapeutic programs and prosthetic
implants. The basic goal of computer simulation is to reproduce
mechanical motion within the musculoskeletal system in a biofidelic
manner based on individual patient parameters. This makes it possible
for physicians to compare functional properties of patients prior and
after medical treatment, or even, as a long-term objective, to predict
therapeutic effects before grasping the scalpel. In this seminar, the
foundations of simulation of mechanical systems based on multibody
dynamics and their application to the dynamics of the human leg are
presented. Multibody dynamics is a well-known field of research of
mechanical engineering that has been developed in the last twenty
years and has been applied to a great variety of systems, such as road
and rail vehicles, robots, tool machines, etc. In the technical
setting, it has become the primary environment of development for
innovative systems, as virtual reality methods have proved to reduce
costs and design-cycle time significantly. Our approach for multibody
dynamics consists of employing object-oriented methods that allow the
user to build dynamic models as executable programs, which are then
open for extensions and linking to other existing software packages,
such as computer graphics, control theory, signal analysis, etc. This
is in contrast to existing methods, which use the monolithic,
all-inclusive program structure. The basic idea of the object-oriented
approach is to mimic real-world mechanical parts by corresponding
software objects that transmit motion and forces as in the real
system. In this way, a model can be built as an assembly of individual
"kinetostatic transmission elements" that can be triggered intuitively
at the generic level, i.e., whose transmission properties can be
accessed without regard to their internal structure. We show how with
these basic functions it is possible to solve all problems of
dynamics. The ideas are then applied to the mechanical model of the
human lower extremity, displaying a model of hip, upper and lower leg,
and foot, consisting of 15 degrees of freedom and 43 individual
muscles. Parameters for bones and muscles are taken for a generic case
from literature. Simulations involve geometry (muscle extensions
during walking), inverse dynamics (joint torques computed from motion
capturing systems and force plate output describing contact force at
the feet), as well as preliminary results for the dynamics
(trajectories of the lower extremity based on muscle activation
profiles). The developed software has been extended by a 3D user
interface that allows the user to perform simulations online and hence
to assess the physical parameters directly at the computer
monitor. The software is being applied at the Children's Hospital of
the University of Graz for treatment of children with spastic
diplegia. Comparison of simulations and measurements at the gait lab
show a good agreement of the computed inverse dynamics and
experimental data. Further illustrative examples for the concepts
developed in this talk are taken from mechanism analysis, rail
vehicles, and biomechanics of neck and forearm.
Methods for Interactive Surgery Simulation
Matthias Teschner, Schweiz
Verfahren zur Simulation chirurgischer Eingriffe bieten vielfältige
Möglichkeiten zur Ergänzung und zur Verbesserung herkömmlicher
Ausbildungsmethoden in der Medizin. Eine wichtige Anforderung an die
Simulation ist dabei ein realistisch wirkendes und interaktives
Szenarien zur Chirurgiesimulation bestehen in der Regel aus
deformierbaren und starren Objekten, die miteinander interagieren.
Daraus ergeben sich zwei wesentliche Komponenten der Simulation: Es
werden ef fiziente und robuste Verfahren zur Berechnung deformierbarer
Objekte sowie schnelle Verfahren zur Kollisionserkennung benötigt.
Im ersten Teil des Vortrags werden Modelle und Verfahren zur
interaktiven Berechnung des dynamischen Verhaltens komplexer
deformierbarer Objekte vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, wie
Feder-Masse-Modelle dazu eingesetzt werden können, elastische und
plastische Verformung von Objekten mit einer Komplexität von bis zu
zehntausend Tetraedern interaktiv zu berechnen.
Im zweiten Teil des Vortrags wird ein Verfahren zur
Kollisionserkennung vorgestellt, das insbesondere für verformbare
Objekte geeignet ist. Im Gegensatz zu Verfahren, die auf Hierarchien
von Begrenzungsvolumina oder auf Raumunterteilung basieren, wird ein
neuer Ansatz vorgestellt, der die Stärken heutiger Graphikhardware
ausnutzt. Das vorgestellte Verfahren ermöglicht eine interaktive
volumetrische Kollisionserkennung deformierbarer Objekte mit einer
Gesamtkomplexität von bis zu einhunderttausend Oberflächendreiecken.
Abschließend werden weitere Komponenten für die Chirurgiesimulation
zusammenfassend vorgestellt sowie potentielle medizinische Anwendungen
Coping with Cubes
Hamish Carr, Canada
Geometric algorithms for analyzing and interpreting
volumetric data draw from established methods in
computational geometry. Geometrically, these algorithms
often assume simple geometric primitives, such as
tetrahedra. In practice, however, data commonly comes
sampled on a cubic grid. Several responses to this are
possible, such as modifying the experimental procedure,
modifying the data, or modifying algorithm.
I shall discuss various approaches for dealing with this
problem: where relevant, I shall use the problem of
computing contour trees as a sample algorithm. These
approaches include non-cubic sampling, correct analysis of
the trilinear interpolant, working directly with marching
cubes, and subdividing cubes into tetrahedra.
In particular, I will discuss the side-effects of simplicial
subdivision on the final isosurfaces, and how to track the
connectivity of the standard marching cubes cases.
Volume Graphics Challenges
Torsten Möller, Canada
Volume Graphics is part of Computer Graphics whose main subject of
study are points and objects made of points. This seeming lack of
descriptiveness turns out to be very powerful in describing many natural
and complex phenomena from weather patterns to fuel cells to our human
body. Besides the creation of 2D images of complex objects
the goal of Volume Graphics or Scientific Visualization at
large is the creation of tools that enhance the understanding of the
objects under investigation. This typically requires the user to
interact with the object in real time by extracting only features
of interest, creating images that are accurate and reliable.
This talk will give an overview of the research in Scientific
Visualization at the Graphics, Usability and Visualization (GrUVi) Lab
at Simon Fraser University. The second half of the talk will focus on
recent results of utilizing colour phenomena, such as metamers and colour
constancy, for novel data exploration algorithms.
Rendering and Compression of Large and Animated Volume Data
Stefan Guthe, Germany
Many areas in medicine, computational physics and various other disciplines have to deal with large or animated
volumetric data sets that demand for an adequate visualization. An important visualization technique for the exploration
of volumetric data sets is direct volume rendering: Each point in space is assigned a density for the emission and
absorption of light and the volume renderer computes the light reaching the eye along viewing rays. The rendering
can be implemented efficiently using texture mapping hardware: the volume is discretized into textured slices that
are blended over each other using alpha blending. However the huge amount of data to be processed for rendering
large and animated volumes also demands for compression schemes that are both very efficient in terms of compression
ratio and in terms of decompression speed.