Current Schedule

In the winter term of 2000/2001 the following talks will be organized by our Institute. The talks are partially financed by the "Arbeitskreis Graphische Datenverarbeitung" of the OCG (Austrian Computer Society)

Date SpeakerTitleTimeLocation
5.11.2000 Wolfgang Birkfellner (Department of Biomedical Engineering and Physics, AKH Vienna, Austria) Intraoperative Image Processing and Augmented Reality at Vienna General Hospital 10.00-11.00 s.t.Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock
24.11.2000 Christian Breiteneder (Interactive and Multimedia Systems Group, Institute of Software Engineering, Vienna University of Technology) Content Based Image Retrieval 10.00-11.00 s.t.Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock
24.11.2000 Jiri Bittner (Computer Graphics Group, Czech Technical University of Prague) Exact and Output Sensitive Regional Visibility using Line-Space Partitioning 11.00-12.00 s.t.Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock
26.01.2001 Keith Andrews (IICM, Graz University of Technology, Austria) Visualising Information Structures 10.00-11.00 s.t.Seminarraum 186, Favoritenstraße 9, 5. Stock

Previous Schedules

Visualising Information Structures

Keith Andrews, IICM, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Information visualisation seeks to take advantage of the human visual perception system's ability to rapidly process graphical displays, making the presented information and its associated structure both rapidly understood and easily explored. This talk will look both at general principles for information visualisation and at specific examples of techniques under development at the IICM.


Keith Andrews is an assistant professor at the Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media (IICM) at Graz University of Technology, in Austria. His research interests include hypermedia, human-computer interaction, computer graphics, and the web. He holds a B.Sc.(Hons) in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of York, England, and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Technical Mathematics/Computer Science from Graz University of Technology. Having lead the Harmony (Unix/X11 browser for Hyperwave) and VRwave VRML browser projects for several years, he is currently pursuing research in the emerging field of information visualisation. He teaches a graduate-level course on Human-Computer Interaction.

TU Wien
Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Favoritenstr. 9-11 / E193-02
A-1040 Vienna
Austria - Europe

Tel. +43-1-58801-193201

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