
SE, 186.864, 2017W

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This course page describes the lecture of Wintersemester 2017/2018. See list of other semesters.

INITIAL MEETING: (Vorbesprechung) for WS 2017/18 will be held on Tuesday, 3.10.2017 16:00-17:00 (s.t.) in the seminar room of the institute 186 (Favoritenstr. 9-11/5.floor).

SECOND MEETING: Wednesday, 18.10.2017 11:00-13:00

FINAL MEETING: Wednesday, 17.01.2018 09:00 - 15:00 (may end earlier)

Aim of course

Guest professor Henry Fuchs (UNC Chapel Hill, USA) will give a seminar on current Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality topics. Students shall learn to work with scientific literature and get more insight into the state of the art of AR and VR.

Subject of course

This seminar will be an in-depth study of recent research in computer graphics, focusing on augmented and virtual reality, 3D reconstruction, and telepresence.  We will meet as a class three times during the semester, and additional times individually.  

At the first meeting, the instructor will share with the class a list of recent research papers that may be studied during the semester, and will give a brief overview of each paper.  

During the subsequent 10 days, each student will study the list and will 1) select and submit to the instructor 5 papers from the list that they are most interested in studying deeply, and will 2) search the current research literature and submit to the instructor a list of 3-5 papers not in the list that they are interested in studying.  Student will submit this list of 8-10 papers by email to by 17:00 on 13.10.2017.

The second meeting of the class will take place on Wednesday, 18.10.2017 11:00-13:00, two weeks after the initial class meeting, . At this second meeting, the original list of papers and the additional papers suggested by the students will be discussed.  After the second meeting, the instructor will divide the list of papers (possibly a subset of the papers, depending on the number of students in the class), assigning a collection of 3-5 papers to each student (or each pair of students, depending on class size), attempting to assign papers to students based on the student's interest.  

During the remainder of the semester, each student will study in depth the papers assigned to them and meet with the instructor twice to refine a presentation to the class on the group of assigned papers.  The final meeting of the class, on Wednesday, 17.01.2018, will consist of a series of presentations by each of the students on their assigned group of papers.  After this final meeting, by 17:00 on 19.01.2017, each student will prepare and submit to the instructor a short summary of each presentation.  

Course grades will be determined based on 1) the appropriateness of the additional 3-5 papers suggested early in the semester, 2) the quality of the class presentation at the end of the semester, 3) participation in questions & answers after each presentation, and 4) the quality of the presentation summaries submitted after the final class presentations.


Attachment Size
TU_Wien_Bibliography2017.10.03_13.21.pdf 82.56 KB
Koch_Samuel-Office_of_the_Future.pdf 14.25 MB
Kovacs_Balint-HMD_EyeTracking.pdf 6.37 MB
Lipp_Lukacs-Facial_and_Speech_Animation.pdf 1.26 MB
Sippl_Tobias-SLAM.pdf 5.67 MB
Unger_Astrid-Navigation_Techniques.pdf 3.5 MB