Vis2 Line Renderer
Linedata-Renderer with transparancy
Setup and Installation

The Advanced Line Renderer is a Windows-Application based on the paper "Advanced Rendering of Line Data with Ambient Occlusion and Transparency" by David Groß and Stefan Gumhold.

The Project was implemented by Mathias Hürbe and Gerald Kimmersdorfer for the Visualization 2 course of the Technical University Vienna in the summer semester 2022.


An already compiled version for Windows 10 x64 of the Line Renderer can be downloaded here.

If you have a different operating system you have to compile the application by yourself. Please feel free to download the source code from our repository on github. You may wanna follow the instructions in the following chapter.

Setup Dev-Environment

As our application utilizes Gears-Vk all of the requirements for this framework have to be fullfilled:

If you have all of the requirements installed you can continue to check out our source code with:

git clone --recurse-submodules

As we use some functionality of a different branch of Gears-VK which is not yet integrated in the main branch you have to manually switch to this branch with the following commands:

cd Vis2/Gears-Vk
git fetch --all
git checkout remotes/origin/artr2022_assignment3
cd ..
git submodule update --remote --merge

If everything worked fine you are now ready to open the project:

start Vis2.sln

Now make the Vis2-Project the startup project and you should be good to go.

INFO: The first (ever) build-process usually gets stuck during the resolve of some NuGet-package. If this happens just cancel the build and restart the process.