

edges: Edge[]

Array of edges

nodes: Map<number, graph.Node>

Maps nodes to their ids

ranks: graph.Node[][]

Nodes by rank


  • Generates control points for euler curves


    • faces: HalfEdge[][]

      faces of graph

    • layout: Map<number, Point>

      graph layout

    • width: number

      svg width

    • height: number

      svg height

    Returns Map<number, Point[]>

    a mapping of set ids to arrays of control points for their euler curves

  • Generates a radial layout for graph of nodes


    • width: number

      width of svg inside which the grap will be drawn

    • height: number

      height of svg inside of which the graph will be drawn

    Returns Map<number, Point>

    mapping of node ids to their positions

  • Generate a layout for nodes of given rank


    • rankNum: number

      rank number

    • radScale: number

      radius scale

    • parents: Map<number, number[]>

      maps nodes to nodes, whose positions their positions depend on

    • layout: Map<number, Point>

      current layout, maps nodes to their position in 2d plane

    Returns void

  • Gets faces of graph for generate layout


    • layout: Map<number, Point>

      graph layout

    Returns HalfEdge[][]

    Array of faces, each represented as array of half edges

  • Converts speuler representation(nodes in ranks, edges as node adjacency lists) to graph


    Returns Graph


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