src package


src.constants module

src.convert_make_probs_method module


Converts provided make_probs method from display string to functional string.

src.init_mitsuba module


Initializes Custom BSDFs for Mitsuba 3.


Initializes M-BSDFs for Mitsuba 3.


Initializes Mitsuba 3 related components for later use.

src.make_metalogs_plot_div module

src.make_metalogs_plot_div.make_metalogs_plot_div(processed_data, id_graph_marginals: str = 'marginals', id_graph_cond_dists: str = 'cond_dists', id_graph_pdfs: str = 'pdfs', id_graph_histograms: str = 'hists', id_graph_orig_gen_samples: str = 'samples', make_probs_method: str = 'chebyshev')

Prepares various figures (dbc.Graph) and puts them into a html.Div component displaying the metalogs from the provided processed_data.

src.make_metalogs_plot_div.make_terms_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a terms slider.

src.plotting module

src.plotting.make_colorbar_dict(x_domain, y_domain, title)

Makes a dictionary for a colorbar.

src.plotting.plot_bivariate_pdfs(data_pdf, marginal_samples_cpu, conditional_samples_cpu, marginal_label_latex, cond_label_latex, metalog_pdf, estimated_metalog_pdf)

Prepares a multi-column Figure with Scattergl graphs containing bivariate metalog PDFs.

src.plotting.plot_cond_metalogs(metalog_coeffs: Tensor, bounds: tuple[float, float] | None = None, metalog_inverse_cdf: Tensor | None = None, fig_suptitle: str = 'Marginal-Conditionals', orig_samples: Tensor = None)

Prepares a multi-column Figure with various graphs containing conditional metalogs data.

src.plotting.plot_histograms(marginal_samples_cpu, conditional_samples_cpu, metalog_marginal_label, metalog_conditional_label, gen_samples_cpu, data_hist, gen_hist, n_bins_marginal, n_bins_cond)

Prepares a multi-column Figure with Histogram and Heatmap from the provided data.

src.plotting.plot_marginal_metalogs(samples: Tensor, metalog_resolution: int, label: str, x_lim: list, metalog_coefficients: Tensor, accuracy: Tensor, num_terms: Tensor, metalog_term: int, bounds: tuple[float, float] = None, y_lim_pdf: list = None, probs: Tensor = None, orig_samples: Tensor = None)

Prepares a multi-column Figure with various graphs containing marginal metalogs data.

src.plotting.plot_measured_orig_generated_samples(marginal_samples_cpus: list, conditional_samples_cpus: list, gen_samples_cpus: list, phi_incident_angles: list, theta_incident_angles: list)

Prepares a multi-column Figure with various graphs containing samples from the measured Mitsuba BSDF and generated distribution.

src.plotting.plot_orig_generated_samples(marginal_samples_cpu, conditional_samples_cpu, metalog_samples_3d, gen_samples_cpu, marginal_label_latex, cond_label_latex, orig_samples_3d)

Prepares a multi-column Figure with various graphs containing samples from the original and generated distribution.

src.process_metalogs_dict module

src.process_metalogs_dict.process_metalogs_dict(dict_of_tensors, metalog_term=3)

Process produced metalogs dictionary for later use.


Values refer to processed metalog data.

Return type:


src.render_tab module


If anything fails, returns (None, “some error string”). If it succeeds, returns (scene_object, None).

src.render_tab.make_column_content(graph_id, scene, error_msg, label, spp)

If there was an error loading the scene, return a styled <p> with the error. Otherwise, return a dcc.Graph containing a random 256x256 image.


Creates the content for the Render tab.


Content of the Render tab.

Return type:

a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional

src.render_tab.make_diff_image_column_content(graph_id, img_1, img_2)

Makes a dcc.Graph if both images are available and have the same resolution. Otherwise display a message in an html.P component.

src.render_tab.make_diff_image_figure(img_1, img_2)

Compute RMSE between img_1 and img_2, then return a Plotly figure containing the absolute difference image in grayscale.

src.render_tab.make_figure(image, title)

Makes it as a Plotly Figure from the provided image.


Makes a html.Div component containing various parameters components.

src.render_tab.make_scene_file_upload_col(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col for uploading scene files.

src.render_tab.make_spp_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a samples per pixel slider.


Updates the light/dark mode of the dcc.Graph(id_diff_image_graph).


Updates the light/dark mode of the dcc.Graph(id_first_scene_graph).

src.render_tab.update_plots(scene_file_store, scene_file_store_2, spp)

Called whenever either store is updated or the spp value has changed.

First column: if the uploaded first scene is valid then the rendered image, otherwise error

Second column: if the uploaded second scene is valid then the rendered image, otherwise error

Third column: The difference image, if first two images are available.

src.render_tab.update_scene_file_store(contents, filename)

Updates the contents and filename of the dcc.Store(id_scene_file_store) component, whenever the dcc.Upload(id_scene_file_upload) is triggered.

src.render_tab.update_scene_file_store_2(contents, filename)

Updates the contents and filename of the dcc.Store(id_scene_file_store_2) component, whenever the dcc.Upload(id_scene_file_upload_2) is triggered.


Updates the light/dark mode of the dcc.Graph(id_second_scene_graph).

src.update_figure_template module


Provides a dash.Patch according to the selected dark/light template.

Return type:


src.view_generate module


Creates the content for the Generate Data tab.


Content of the Generate Data tab.

Return type:

a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional


Returns a html.Div with the data type Dropdown.

src.view_generate.make_marginal_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a marginal axis radio button.

src.view_generate.make_max_num_terms_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a maximum number of terms slider.


Makes a html.Div with the content of the metalog parameters.


Returns a dbc.Container with the content of a Modal.

src.view_generate.make_number_of_samples_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a number of samples slider.

src.view_generate.make_probs_div(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a make_probs method slider.

src.view_generate.make_regularization_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a regularization slider.

src.view_generate.make_resolution_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a resolution slider.


Makes a html.Div component for save distribution button.


A component for save distribution button.

Return type:



Updates the visibility of the html.Div data type parameters.

src.view_generate.update_plots(data_type, n_samples, regularization_marginal, regularization_conditional, resolution_marginal, axis_marginal, max_num_terms, metalog_term, microfacet_type, alpha_u, alpha_v, make_probs_method, save_btn_nclicks, phi_incident_angles, epfl_measured_picked_slice, metalog_measured_tmp_filename, epfl_measured_view, bsdf_data)

Updates Generate Data Tab figures according to the selected parameters.

  • data_type (str) – Selected data type.

  • n_samples (int) – Selected number of samples.

  • regularization_marginal (float) – Selected regularization term for marginal.

  • regularization_conditional (float) – Selected regularization term for conditional.

  • resolution_marginal (int) – Selected resolution term.

  • axis_marginal (str) – Selected marginal parameter (e.g., phi).

  • max_num_terms (int) – Selected maximum available terms.

  • metalog_term (int) – Selected metalog term.

  • microfacet_type (str) – Selected microfacet term.

  • alpha_u (float) – Selected roughness value for the tangent direction.

  • alpha_v (float) – Selected roughness value for the bitangent direction.

  • make_probs_method (str) – Selected CDF construction method.

  • save_btn_nclicks – Number of clicks of the save button.

  • phi_incident_angles (list) – List of selected incident direction angles for phi_i.

  • epfl_measured_picked_slice (str) – Selected measured BSDF slice label (e.g., phi_i_0.0…).

  • metalog_measured_tmp_filename (dict) – A dictionary containing the filename of the temporarily saved metalogs for

  • BSDF. (the measured)

  • epfl_measured_view (str) – Selected measured BSDF view.

  • bsdf_data (dict) – A dictionary containing the content and filename of the uploaded BSDF.


is_open, dbc.Modal: Updated figures for html.Div(id_view_generate_plots), is_open status for dbc.Modal(id=id_modal_on_save_distr) and content of dbc.Modal(id=id_modal_on_save_distr).

Return type:

html.Div, dbc.Modal

src.view_generate_analytic_bsdf module

src.view_generate_analytic_bsdf.get_output_dir(data_type, axis_marginal, microfacet_type, alpha_u, alpha_v)

Returns an output directory (str) from the provided parameters.

src.view_generate_analytic_bsdf.make_alpha_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a microfacet roughness (alpha) slider.


Makes a html.Div component with various microfacet parameter components.

src.view_generate_analytic_bsdf.make_microfacet_type_column(id, label)

Makes a dbc.Col with a microfacet type dropdown.

src.view_generate_analytic_bsdf.prepare_analytic_bsdf_data(regularization_marginal, regularization_conditional, resolution_marginal, axis_marginal, max_num_terms, metalog_term, sRec, make_probs_method, device)

Makes bivariate metalog data from the provided parameters and returns a processed version for later use.

src.view_generate_analytic_bsdf.update_microfacet_figures(switch_on, data_type)

Updates the light/dark mode of the microfacet dbc.Graph’s.

src.view_generate_epfl_measured module

src.view_generate_epfl_measured.init_metalog_measured_material(contents, axis_marginal, is_bounded)

Tries to initialize an MetalogEPFLMeasuredMaterial instance from the provided contents. In success, returns the instance, otherwise None.


Makes an html.Div component containing various parameter components for EPFL measured BSDFs.

src.view_generate_epfl_measured.make_measured_metalog_plot_div(metalogEPFLBSDF: MetalogEPFLMeasuredMaterial, metalog_measured: dict, phi_incident_angles: list, epfl_measured_view: str, epfl_measured_picked_slice: str | None = None, make_probs_method: str | None = None, metalog_term: int = 3)

Makes various dbc.Graph contents according to the selected epfl_measured_view.

src.view_generate_epfl_measured.make_measured_overview_plots(metalogEPFLBSDF, metalog_measured, phi_incident_angles, metalog_term)

Makes an html.Div component containing multi-column figures that gives an overview of the measured metalog BSDF.

src.view_generate_epfl_measured.make_metalog_measured_material(data_type, n_samples, regularization_marginal, regularization_conditional, resolution_marginal, axis_marginal, max_num_terms, tmp_bsdf_store, bsdf_data, metalog_term, make_probs_method, phi_incident_angles, metalog_measured_tmp_filename)

Makes a measured metalog material from the provided parameters and temporarily stores it in a file.


A dictionary with the key filename with the value of the temporary filename containing the measured metalog material.

Return type:


src.view_generate_epfl_measured.update_measured_epfl_overview_figures(switch_on, data_type, view_type)

Updates the light/dark mode of the dcc.Graph(id_view_generate_measured_metalog_bsdf_graphs).

src.view_generate_epfl_measured.update_measured_epfl_slice_figures(switch_on, data_type, view_type)

Updates the light/dark mode of the selected measured metalog dcc.Graph’s.

src.view_generate_epfl_measured.update_measured_overview_slice_options(bsdf_data, view_type, axis_marginal)

After the user loads a BSDF file (stored in bsdf_store), update the dropdown options (and optionally the default value).


Updates the visibility of the html.Div according to the selected view_type.

src.view_generate_epfl_measured.update_output(contents, filename)

Updates the data of dbc.Store(id_bsdf_store) whenever the contents of dcc.Upload(id_bsdf_upload) changes.

src.view_generated module


Creates the content for the Explore Data tab.


Content of the Explore Data tab.

Return type:

a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional


Creates a html.Div for the metalog parameters.

src.view_generated.parse_contents(contents, filename)

Parses contents of the provided contents and filename.

  • contents – Content of the uploaded dcc.Upload component.

  • filename (str) – Filename of the uploaded dcc.Upload component.


True and the read torch.Tensor if the content from the provided file is read successfully. False and a zero tensor otherwise.

Return type:

bool, torch.Tensor


Updates the light/dark mode of the figures, whenever dbc.Switch(id_color_mode_switch) value changes.

src.view_generated.update_figures(metalog_term, stored_data)

Called whenever selected term slider value has changed.


Updated figures with the selected term.

Return type:


src.view_generated.update_output(contents, filename)

Updates the html.Div(id_output_data_upload) and dcc.Store(id_uploaded_data_store) components, whenever the content of the dcc.Upload(id_upload_data) changes.

  • contents – Content of the uploaded dcc.Upload component.

  • filename (str) – Filename of the uploaded dcc.Upload component.


Updated html.Div(id_output_data_upload) and dcc.Store(id_uploaded_data_store) components.

Module contents