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Data Class Reference

#include <data.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 Data ()
 ~Data ()
bool SetPreCalc (bool pc)
void SetFileThreshold (int dFileThreshold)
void SetDataPackets (int dDataPack)
short GetXDim ()
 gibt den maximalen X-Wert meines Volumens zurück

short GetYDim ()
 gibt den maximalen Y-Wert meines Volumens zurück

short GetZDim ()
 gibt den maximalen Z-Wert meines Volumens zurück

int GetHistogram (int density)
int GetDensity (int x, int y, int z)
void LoadData (char *fname)
gradient_t CalcGrad (int x, int y, int z)

Public Attributes

string filename

Private Methods

bool CalcDensityHistogram ()
bool CalcGradients ()
 Berechnet alle Gradienten vor.

Private Attributes

int m_FileThreshold
int m_DataPackets
short xDim
short yDim
short zDim
int xyDim
int size
short * data
int histogram [4096]
bool precalc

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Data::Data   [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file data.h.


00039                { xDim = 0;
00040                         yDim = 0;
00041                         zDim = 0;
00042                         xyDim = 0;
00043                         size = 0;
00044                         data = NULL;
00045                         gradients = NULL;
00046                         precalc = false;
00047                         m_FileThreshold = 40;
00048                         m_DataPackets = MB_TO_DATASET_THRES(10);
00049         };

Data::~Data   [inline]

Definition at line 51 of file data.h.

00051 { if(data!= NULL)delete data; if(gradients != NULL)delete gradients;};

Member Function Documentation

bool Data::CalcDensityHistogram   [private]

berechnet für jede Dichte die Anzahl der Datenpunkte, die diese Dichte aufweisen und gibt diese Wert in ein histogrammarray ein.

Definition at line 44 of file data.cpp.

References data, histogram, and size.

Referenced by LoadData().

00045 {
00046         for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++)
00047         {
00048                 histogram[i] = 0;
00049         }
00051         for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
00052         {
00053                 histogram[data[j]] += 1;
00054         }
00056         return true;
00057 }

gradient_t Data::CalcGrad int    x,
int    y,
int    z

berechnet für einen Datenpunkt mit ganzzahligen Koordinaten innerhalb des Volumens den Gradientenvektor

Definition at line 73 of file data.cpp.

References CalcGradients(), GetDensity(), gradients, precalc, gradient_t::x, xDim, xyDim, gradient_t::y, yDim, gradient_t::z, and zDim.

Referenced by Trilinear::CalcGradTrilinear(), and Ray::Lighting().

00073                                   {
00074         if(precalc && gradients == NULL) CalcGradients();
00075         if(x < 0) x = 0;
00076         if(x > xDim-1) x = xDim-1;
00077         if(z < 0) z = 0;
00078         if(z > zDim-1) z = zDim-1;
00079         if(y < 0) y = 0;
00080         if(y > yDim-1) y = yDim-1;
00081         gradient_t res;
00082         if(!precalc) {
00083                 res.x = ((float)(GetDensity(x+1,y,z) - GetDensity(x-1,y,z)))/2.0;
00084                 res.y = ((float)(GetDensity(x,y+1,z) - GetDensity(x,y-1,z)))/2.0;
00085                 res.z = ((float)(GetDensity(x,y,z+1) - GetDensity(x,y,z-1)))/2.0;
00086         } else {
00087                 res = gradients[z*xyDim+y*xDim+x];
00088         }
00089         return res;
00090 }

bool Data::CalcGradients   [private]

Berechnet alle Gradienten vor.

Definition at line 94 of file data.cpp.

References GetDensity(), gradients, xDim, xyDim, yDim, and zDim.

Referenced by CalcGrad().

00094                     {
00095         if (gradients != NULL) return false;
00096         gradients = new gradient_t[xDim*yDim*zDim];
00098         for(int z = 0; z < zDim; z++) {
00099                 for(int y = 0; y < yDim; y++) {
00100                         for(int x = 0; x < xDim; x++) {
00101                                 gradients[z*xyDim+y*xDim+x].x = ((float)(GetDensity(x+1,y,z) - GetDensity(x-1,y,z)))/2.0;
00102                                 gradients[z*xyDim+y*xDim+x].y = ((float)(GetDensity(x,y+1,z) - GetDensity(x,y-1,z)))/2.0;
00103                                 gradients[z*xyDim+y*xDim+x].z = ((float)(GetDensity(x,y,z+1) - GetDensity(x,y,z-1)))/2.0;
00104                         }
00105                 }
00106         }
00108         return true;
00109 }

int Data::GetDensity int    x,
int    y,
int    z

gibt die Dichte an einem diskreten Punkt mit ganzzahligen Koordinaten im Datenvolumen als integer Wert zwischen 0 und 4095 zurück

Definition at line 30 of file data.cpp.

References data, xDim, xyDim, yDim, and zDim.

Referenced by Trilinear::CalcAlphaTrilinear(), Trilinear::CalcColorTrilinear(), CalcGrad(), CalcGradients(), XRayNN::CastNext(), MaxIntensityNN::CastNext(), FirstHitNN::CastNext(), Ray::CastNext(), FirstHitTRI::GetDensity(), and Slice::SetPixels().

00031 {
00032         if(x <0) x =0;
00033         if(y<0) y=0;
00034         if(z<0) z=0;
00035         if(x > xDim - 1) x = xDim-1;
00036         if(y > yDim - 1) y = yDim-1;
00037         if(z > zDim - 1) z = zDim-1;
00038         return (int)data[z*xyDim+y*xDim+x];
00039 }

int Data::GetHistogram int    density

gibt den Wert des Histogramms bei einer bestimmten Dichte zurück

  • die Dichtewerte liegen wieder zwischen 0 und 4096

Definition at line 62 of file data.cpp.

References histogram.

Referenced by transferfuncform::m_DrawHistogram().

00063 {
00064         if(density < 0) density = 0;
00065         if(density >= 4096) density = 4095;
00066         return histogram[density];
00067 }

short Data::GetXDim  

gibt den maximalen X-Wert meines Volumens zurück

Definition at line 206 of file data.cpp.

References xDim.

Referenced by Slice::GetSliceNumber(), Ray::Initialize(), Raycaster::Raycast(), Slice::SetPixels(), and Raycaster::Zoom().

00207 {
00208         return xDim;
00209 }

short Data::GetYDim  

gibt den maximalen Y-Wert meines Volumens zurück

Definition at line 213 of file data.cpp.

References yDim.

Referenced by Slice::GetSliceNumber(), Ray::Initialize(), Raycaster::Raycast(), Slice::SetPixels(), and Raycaster::Zoom().

00214 {
00215         return yDim;
00216 }

short Data::GetZDim  

gibt den maximalen Z-Wert meines Volumens zurück

Definition at line 220 of file data.cpp.

References zDim.

Referenced by Slice::GetSliceNumber(), Ray::Initialize(), Raycaster::Raycast(), Slice::SetPixels(), and Raycaster::Zoom().

00221 {
00222         return zDim;
00223 }

void Data::LoadData char *    fname

Lädt das Datenfile (*.dat) die CT-Daten in ein eindimensionales Array mit der Größe maxX*maxY*maxZ

Definition at line 114 of file data.cpp.

References CalcDensityHistogram(), data, DATASET_TO_MB, filename, m_DataPackets, m_FileThreshold, size, xDim, xyDim, yDim, and zDim.

00115 {
00117         char *filename = (char *)fname;
00119         FILE *filePtr;
00121         // open File
00122         filePtr = fopen(filename, "rb");
00123         if(!filePtr) return;// false;
00125         //getting headerinfo
00126         fread(&xDim, sizeof(short),1,filePtr);
00127         fread(&yDim, sizeof(short),1,filePtr);
00128         fread(&zDim, sizeof(short),1,filePtr);
00131         xyDim = (int)xDim*yDim;
00134         size = xyDim * zDim;
00135         data = new short[size];
00138         CWnd* pFrame = AfxGetMainWnd();
00140         int loadSize = (size) / 100;
00141         int counter = loadSize;
00142         int pos = 0;
00143         int fileSize = 0;
00145         /* 
00146         size means the size in data-sets!!
00147         partially loading if approx filesize is greater than 40MB
00148         (size * 16) / 8 / 1024 / 1024  =  (size >> 19)
00149         */
00150         if ((m_FileThreshold != 0) &&
00151                 (fileSize = DATASET_TO_MB(size)) >= m_FileThreshold) {
00152                 int pieces = size / m_DataPackets;
00157                 pFrame->SendMessage(MYWM_PROGRESS_MIN_MAX, 0, pieces);
00159                 int tempSize = size;
00161                 for (int i = 0; i < pieces; i++) {
00162                         pFrame->SendMessage(MYWM_PROGRESS, i);
00163                         fread(data + i * m_DataPackets, sizeof(short), m_DataPackets, filePtr);
00164                         tempSize -= m_DataPackets;
00165                 }
00167                 pFrame->SendMessage(MYWM_PROGRESS, i);
00168                 if (tempSize > 0) 
00169                         fread(data + i * m_DataPackets, sizeof(short), tempSize, filePtr);
00170         }
00171         else {
00172                 fread(data,sizeof(short),size,filePtr);
00173         }
00175         fclose(filePtr);
00177         pFrame->SendMessage(MYWM_PROGRESS_MIN_MAX, 0, 100);
00179         //only 12 bit of data are used for each voxel (4096 density values)
00180         for(int z=0; z < zDim; z++) {
00181                 for(int y=0; y < yDim; y++) {
00182                         for(int x=0; x < xDim; x++) {
00183                                 data[z*xyDim+y*xDim+x] &= 0x0fff;
00185                                 //progressbar
00186                                 if (counter-- <= 0) {
00187                                         counter = loadSize;
00188                                         pFrame->SendMessage(MYWM_PROGRESS, pos++);
00189                                 }
00190                         }
00191                 }
00192         }
00194         pFrame->SendMessage(MYWM_PROGRESS, 0);
00197         this->filename = filename;
00199         if(!CalcDensityHistogram()) return;// false;
00201 //      return true;
00202 }

void Data::SetDataPackets int    dDataPack [inline]

Definition at line 54 of file data.h.


00054 { m_DataPackets = MB_TO_DATASET_THRES(dDataPack); };

void Data::SetFileThreshold int    dFileThreshold [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file data.h.

00053 { m_FileThreshold = dFileThreshold; };

bool Data::SetPreCalc bool    pc [inline]

Definition at line 52 of file data.h.

Referenced by Raycaster::Raycast().

00052 { precalc = pc; return true;}

Member Data Documentation

short* Data::data [private]

Definition at line 32 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcDensityHistogram(), GetDensity(), and LoadData().

string Data::filename

Definition at line 64 of file data.h.

Referenced by LoadData().

gradient_t* Data::gradients [private]

Definition at line 33 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcGrad(), and CalcGradients().

int Data::histogram[4096] [private]

Definition at line 35 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcDensityHistogram(), and GetHistogram().

int Data::m_DataPackets [private]

Definition at line 27 of file data.h.

Referenced by LoadData().

int Data::m_FileThreshold [private]

Definition at line 25 of file data.h.

Referenced by LoadData().

bool Data::precalc [private]

Definition at line 36 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcGrad().

int Data::size [private]

Definition at line 31 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcDensityHistogram(), and LoadData().

short Data::xDim [private]

Definition at line 29 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcGrad(), CalcGradients(), GetDensity(), GetXDim(), and LoadData().

int Data::xyDim [private]

Definition at line 30 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcGrad(), CalcGradients(), GetDensity(), and LoadData().

short Data::yDim [private]

Definition at line 29 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcGrad(), CalcGradients(), GetDensity(), GetYDim(), and LoadData().

short Data::zDim [private]

Definition at line 29 of file data.h.

Referenced by CalcGrad(), CalcGradients(), GetDensity(), GetZDim(), and LoadData().

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Generated on Thu Jan 30 21:35:44 2003 for 3DVis by doxygen1.3-rc2