CCube is a direct volume rendering tool, that has been developed during the 05/06 winter term for the Labor Übung in Volume Visualisation. The team members in this project are Stefan Müller and Adam Barclay.
Detailed Description
CCube is used to render 3D volume specified by raw data files. The data is presented in two ways: Slicing and Raycasting. Ray casting is implemented based on the techniques described by Marc Levoy, 1987. As of its current implementation, CCube enables the following feature set:
- Rendering volume slices along the 3 main planes
- Orthographic Raycasting along a main plane
- Interactive setting of the viewing direction [in progress]
- Support for the following ray casting visualization techniques:
- First Hit rendering, based on lower and heigher threshold
- MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection)
- X-Ray averaging
- Compositing based on transfer function settings
- User selectable interpolation methods including nearest neighbour, bilinear, and trilinear support
- Phong Shading model based on gradient computation
- Heighly intuitive and interactive transfer function for opacity and colour selection through a context/histogram aware 3D textured colour cube
Software Environment
CCube has been developed from scratch using OpenGL and Glut. The user interface has been developed using the OpenGL based Glui SDK wich can be found here.