Lighting Member List

This is the complete list of members for Lighting, including all inherited members.

getColor(const Color &c, const Vector<> &n) const Lighting [inline]
getKDiffuse() const Lighting
getKSpecular() const Lighting
getSExponent() const Lighting
Lighting(Vector<> l=Vector<>(0,-1,-1).normalize(), const Vector<> &v=Vector<>(0, 0, 1), Color lightColor=Color(255, 255, 255, 255), float kD=0.5, float kS=1.0, float sE=10)Lighting
mHLighting [private]
mKDLighting [private]
mKSLighting [private]
mLLighting [private]
mLightColorLighting [private]
mSELighting [private]
mVLighting [private]
printVectors() const Lighting [inline]
setKDiffuse(float newKD)Lighting
setKSpecular(float newKS)Lighting
setL(const Vector<> &l)Lighting
setSExponent(float newSE)Lighting
setV(const Vector<> &v)Lighting

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