ARender | Abstract base class for all image renderers |
Color | A RGBA color value |
Data | Data storage for the density data read in from a file |
Gradient | A class that manages gradient data for a given input image |
Histogram | A class that calculates histogram information for the data |
Lighting | A class that encapsulates Phong lighting operations |
Ui::MainWindow | |
Matrix< Type, size > | Square matrix |
Plane | Plane in 3D space |
RayCaster | A ray caster renders an image by casting rays through the data |
Ui::ShaderWindow | |
Size | A size is a width/height pair |
SliceRenderer | A slicerenderer renders a slice of the data |
TransferFunc | A transfer function |
TransferFuncUI | |
Ui::TransferFuncWindow | |
Ui_MainWindow | |
Ui_ShaderWindow | |
Ui_TransferFuncWindow | |
Vector< T > | A vector in 3-D space |
VisMainUI |