Plane Member List

This is the complete list of members for Plane, including all inherited members.

calcNP()Plane [private]
classify(const Vector<> &aPoint) const Plane
contains(const Vector<> &aPoint) const Plane
intersect(const Vector<> &point, const Vector<> &dir) const Plane
mNormalPlane [private]
mNTimesPPlane [private]
mPointPlane [private]
normal() const Plane [inline]
operator+=(const Vector<> &v)Plane [inline]
Plane(const Vector<> &aPoint, const Vector<> &aV1, const Vector<> &aV2)Plane
Plane(const Vector<> &aPoint, const Vector<> &aNormal)Plane
PLANE_BACK enum valuePlane
PLANE_COINCIDE enum valuePlane
PLANE_FRONT enum valuePlane
PointClassification enum namePlane

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