TransferFkt Class Reference

#import <TransferFkt.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - init
(id) - copyWithZone:
(id) - retain
(unsigned) - retainCount
(void) - release
(id) - autorelease
(void) - setNeedsUpdateRGB:
(void) - setNeedsUpdateOpacity:
(void) - createLookupTables
(void) - updateRGBPerDensity
(void) - updateOpacityPerDensity
(unsigned char *) - colorTable
(void) - update
(void) - setRGBA:forDensity:
(void) - getRGBA:forDensity:
(void) - setColor:forDensity:
(NSColor *) - getColorForDensity:
(void) - addRGBReferencePointForDensity:withRGBA:
(void) - removeRGBReferencePointForDensity:
(BOOL) - isRGBReferencePoint:
(void) - addOpacityReferencePointForDensity:withOpacity:
(void) - removeOpacityReferencePointForDensity:
(BOOL) - isOpacityReferencePoint:

Static Public Member Functions

(TransferFkt *) + sharedInstance
(id) + allocWithZone:

Protected Attributes

int maxDensity
int * isColorFixedPerDensity
int * isOpacityFixedPerDensity
BOOL needsUpdateRGB
BOOL needsUpdateOpacity

Member Function Documentation

- (void) addOpacityReferencePointForDensity: (int)  density
withOpacity: (unsigned char)  opacity

- (void) addRGBReferencePointForDensity: (int)  density
withRGBA: (unsigned char *)  rgba

+ (id) allocWithZone: (NSZone *)  zone  

- (id) autorelease  

- (unsigned char*) colorTable  

- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *)  zone  

- (void) createLookupTables  

- (NSColor*) getColorForDensity: (int)  density  

- (void) getRGBA: (unsigned char *)  rgba
forDensity: (int)  density

- (id) init  

- (BOOL) isOpacityReferencePoint: (int)  density  

- (BOOL) isRGBReferencePoint: (int)  density  

- (void) release  

- (void) removeOpacityReferencePointForDensity: (int)  density  

- (void) removeRGBReferencePointForDensity: (int)  density  

- (id) retain  

- (unsigned) retainCount  

- (void) setColor: (NSColor *)  color
forDensity: (int)  density

- (void) setNeedsUpdateOpacity: (BOOL)  yesNo  

- (void) setNeedsUpdateRGB: (BOOL)  yesNo  

- (void) setRGBA: (unsigned char *)  rgba
forDensity: (int)  density

+ (TransferFkt*) sharedInstance  

- (void) update  

- (void) updateOpacityPerDensity  

- (void) updateRGBPerDensity  

Member Data Documentation

- (int*) isColorFixedPerDensity [protected]

- (int*) isOpacityFixedPerDensity [protected]

- (int) maxDensity [protected]

- (BOOL) needsUpdateOpacity [protected]

- (BOOL) needsUpdateRGB [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Dec 7 12:30:37 2005 for Volumizer by  doxygen 1.4.5