
Go to the documentation of this file.
00013 #ifndef __vector_h__
00014 #define __vector_h__
00016 #include <math.h>
00017 #include "globals.h"
00018 #ifndef PI
00019         #define PI 3.1415926535897;
00020 #endif
00028 class Vector
00029 {
00031 public:
00032         // Construction/destruction
00033         inline Vector(void)                                                             { this->x=0;this->y=0;this->z=0;}
00035         inline Vector(float X, float Y, float Z)                { this->x = X; this->y = Y; this->z = Z;                                        }
00037         inline Vector(const Vector& v)                                  { this->x = v.x; this->y = v.y; this->z = v.z;                          }
00039         inline Vector(float rgfl[3])                                    { this->x = rgfl[0]; this->y = rgfl[1]; this->z = rgfl[2];      }
00041         inline Vector(Vector spitze, Vector schaft)
00042         {
00043                 Vector v = (spitze - schaft);
00044                 x = v.x; 
00045                 y = v.y;
00046                 z = v.z;
00047         } 
00049         // Operators
00050         inline Vector operator-(void) const                             { return Vector(-x,-y,-z);                              }
00052         inline int operator==(const Vector& v) const    { return x==v.x && y==v.y && z==v.z;    }
00054         inline int operator!=(const Vector& v) const    { return !(*this==v);                                   }
00056         inline Vector operator+(const Vector& v) const  { return Vector(x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z);   }
00058         inline Vector operator-(const Vector& v) const  { return Vector(x-v.x, y-v.y, z-v.z);   }
00060         inline Vector operator*(float fl) const                 { return Vector(x*fl, y*fl, z*fl);              }
00062         inline Vector operator/(float fl) const                 { return Vector(x/fl, y/fl, z/fl);              }
00066         // Methods
00067         inline void copyToArray(float* rgfl) const              { rgfl[0] = x, rgfl[1] = y, rgfl[2] = z; }
00069         inline float length(void) const                                 { return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z); }
00072         Vector normalize(void) const
00073         {
00074                 float flLen = this->length();
00075                 if (flLen == 0) return Vector(0,0,0); // ????
00076                 return Vector(x / flLen, y / flLen, z / flLen);
00077         };  
00079         inline float dotProduct(const Vector& b) 
00080         { 
00081                 return(x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z); 
00082         };  
00084         inline Vector crossProduct(const Vector& b) 
00085         { 
00086                 return Vector( y*b.z - z*b.y, z*b.x - x*b.z, x*b.y - y*b.x ); 
00087         };  
00089         void rotateX(float angle)
00090         {
00091                 float bg = (angle/180)*PI;
00092                 float x= this->x;
00093                 float y= this->y;
00094                 float z= this->z;
00096                 float cosTheta = (float)cos(bg);
00097                 float sinTheta = (float)sin(bg);
00099                 this->x= x;
00100                 this->y= clampTo(-1,1,y*cosTheta - z *sinTheta );
00101                 this->z= clampTo(-1,1,y*sinTheta + z *cosTheta) ;
00102                 this->normalize();
00105         };  
00107         void rotateY(float angle)
00108         {
00109                 float bg = (angle/180)*PI;
00110                 float x= this->x;
00111                 float y= this->y;
00112                 float z= this->z;
00113                 float cosTheta = (float)cos(bg);
00114                 float sinTheta = (float)sin(bg);
00116                 this->x= clampTo(-1,1,x*cosTheta + z*sinTheta);
00117                 this->y= y;
00118                 this->z= clampTo(-1,1,-1*x*sinTheta + z *cosTheta) ;
00119         };  
00121         void rotateZ(float angle)
00122         {
00124                 float bg = (angle/180)*PI;
00125                 float x= this->x;
00126                 float y= this->y;
00127                 float z= this->z;
00129                 float cosTheta = (float)cos(bg);
00130                 float sinTheta = (float)sin(bg);
00132                 this->x= clampTo(-1,1,x*cosTheta - y*sinTheta);
00133                 this->y= clampTo(-1,1,x*sinTheta + y *cosTheta );
00134                 this->z= z;
00135                 this->normalize();
00137         };  
00139         static float clampTo(float min, float max, float Val)
00140         {
00141                 if (Val > max) {Val = max; }
00142                 else {
00143                         if(Val < min){ Val = min;}
00144                         }
00146                         return Val;
00147         };  
00150         // Members
00151         float x 
00152                 , y 
00153                 , z ;
00154 };
00156 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00164 class CVector2 
00165 {
00167 public:
00168         CVector2() { x=0; y=0; }
00171         inline CVector2(float X, float Y) { x=X; y=Y; }
00175         CVector2(CVector2 spitze, CVector2 schaft)
00176         {
00177                 CVector2 v = (spitze - schaft);
00178                 x = v.x; 
00179                 y = v.y;
00180         }  
00182         CVector2(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2)
00183         {
00184                 CVector2 v = (CVector2(x1,y1) - CVector2(x2,y2));
00185                 x = v.x; 
00186                 y = v.y;
00187         }  
00190         inline CVector2 operator-(void) const                           { return CVector2(-x,-y);                       }
00192         inline int operator==(const CVector2& v) const          { return x==v.x && y==v.y;                      }
00194         inline int operator!=(const CVector2& v) const      { return !(*this==v);                               }
00196         inline CVector2 operator+(const CVector2& v) const      { return CVector2(x+v.x, y+v.y);        }
00198         inline CVector2 operator-(const CVector2& v) const      { return CVector2(x-v.x, y-v.y);        }
00200         inline CVector2 operator*(float fl) const                       { return CVector2(x*fl, y*fl);          }
00202         inline CVector2 operator/(float fl) const                       { return CVector2(x/fl, y/fl);          }
00204         inline float length(void) const                                         { return sqrt(x*x + y*y);                       }
00206         inline CVector2 normalize(void) const                           { float len = length(); return CVector2(x/len,y/len); }
00209         float angle(CVector2 v1)
00210         { 
00211                 float a = (x*v1.x + y*v1.y)/(this->length() * v1.length());     
00212                 return acos(a); 
00213         }  
00216         // Members
00217         float x, y;
00220 };
00223 #endif

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