ControlDock Class Reference

#include <Dock.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ControlDock (QWidget *parent=0)

Private Slots

int loadClicked (void)
int transferFunctionClicked (void)
int renderingClicked (void)
int sliderChanged (void)
int rbXclicked (void)
int rbYclicked (void)
int rbZclicked (void)

Private Member Functions

void init ()
int drawSlices ()

Private Attributes

QPushButton * pLoadBtn
QPushButton * pTFunctBtn
QPushButton * pRenderBtn
QSlider * pSlider
QLineEdit * pTextField
QRadioButton * pRadioX
QRadioButton * pRadioY
QRadioButton * pRadioZ
QGridLayout * pLayout

Detailed Description

Creates the Main GUI. It contains the Buttons that start the Funtions 'Load Data, 'Show Transfer Function' and 'Show Rendering Window'. It also contains the Window where Slices of the Object can be viewed.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ControlDock::ControlDock QWidget *  parent = 0  ) 

creates new GUI

Member Function Documentation

int ControlDock::drawSlices  )  [private]

takes the current slice number from the Slider and draws ist

void ControlDock::init  )  [private]

sets all members to well defined states

int ControlDock::loadClicked void   )  [private, slot]

starts File Dialog to load data

int ControlDock::renderingClicked void   )  [private, slot]

starts Rendering Window

int ControlDock::sliderChanged void   )  [private, slot]

changing the Slider will draw a new slice (if data has been loaded)

int ControlDock::transferFunctionClicked void   )  [private, slot]

shows Window where Transfer Function can be edited

Member Data Documentation

QPushButton* ControlDock::pLoadBtn [private]

Button to load data (starts File Dialog

QRadioButton* ControlDock::pRadioX [private]

if checked, slices in x-direction will be drawn

QRadioButton* ControlDock::pRadioY [private]

if checked, slices in y-direction will be drawn

QRadioButton* ControlDock::pRadioZ [private]

if checked, slices in z-direction will be draen

QPushButton* ControlDock::pRenderBtn [private]

Button to start Rendering Window

QSlider* ControlDock::pSlider [private]

Slider to choose the number of the slice that should be drawn

QPushButton* ControlDock::pTFunctBtn [private]

Button to show Transfer Function

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