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OptionPanel Class Reference

#include <OptionPanel.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 OptionPanel (int mainWindowRef=0, int position=0)
void enable ()
void disable ()
void switchRenderMode (int mode)
void enableModeSelection ()
void disableModeSelection ()
void updateMinMaxPeekSpinners1 (float min, float max, float peek)
void updateMinMaxPeekSpinners2 (float min, float max, float peek)

Public Attributes

int renderMode
int selectedGridSize
int selectedArrowPlotMode
int selectedStreamlineIntegration
int dSep
int dTest
float dt
int glyphsEnabled
int taperingEnabled
int dataSet1Enabled
int dataSet2Enabled
int seedPointSetting
float minValue1
float peekValue1
float maxValue1
float minValue2
float peekValue2
float maxValue2

Private Attributes

GLUI * panel
GLUI_Panel * alignmentPanel
GLUI_Panel * arrowPlotPanel
GLUI_RadioGroup * arrowPlotOptionsGroup
GLUI_Panel * gridSizeSpinnerPanel
GLUI_Spinner * selectedGridSizeSpinner
GLUI_Panel * streamlinePanel
GLUI_RadioGroup * integrationSelectorGroup
GLUI_Spinner * dtSpinner
GLUI_Panel * integrationSpinnerPanel
GLUI_Spinner * distanceSpinner
GLUI_Spinner * distanceSpinnerTest
GLUI_Button * switchModeBtn
GLUI_Button * zoomInBtn
GLUI_Button * zoomOutBtn
GLUI_RadioGroup * volumeInterpolationSelectorGroup
GLUI_Panel * additionalDatasetPanel
GLUI_Spinner * peekValueSpinner1
GLUI_Spinner * minValueSpinner1
GLUI_Spinner * maxValueSpinner1
GLUI_Spinner * peekValueSpinner2
GLUI_Spinner * minValueSpinner2
GLUI_Spinner * maxValueSpinner2

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OptionPanel::OptionPanel int  mainWindowRef = 0,
int  position = 0

Constructor of the option panel.

Member Function Documentation

void OptionPanel::disable  ) 

Disable all panel controls.

void OptionPanel::disableModeSelection  ) 

Disable the Button switch render mode.

void OptionPanel::enable  ) 

Enable all panel controls.

void OptionPanel::enableModeSelection  ) 

Enable the Button switch render mode.

void OptionPanel::switchRenderMode int  mode  ) 

Set the render mode responding to the current program state.

mode current program state

void OptionPanel::updateMinMaxPeekSpinners1 float  min,
float  max,
float  peek

Update the range of the spinners for the color interpolation in dataset 1

void OptionPanel::updateMinMaxPeekSpinners2 float  min,
float  max,
float  peek

Update the range of the spinners for the color interpolation in dataset 2

Member Data Documentation

GLUI_Panel* OptionPanel::additionalDatasetPanel [private]

Panel which holds the controls (checkboxes) for the additional datasets

GLUI_Panel* OptionPanel::alignmentPanel [private]

Panel to align all graphical elements on the left.

GLUI_RadioGroup* OptionPanel::arrowPlotOptionsGroup [private]

Radiobutton group which holds the options for arrow plotting (uniform, nonuniform)

GLUI_Panel* OptionPanel::arrowPlotPanel [private]

Panel that contains all options for arrow plots.

int OptionPanel::dataSet1Enabled

Flag if the first dataset (texture) is enabled or not

int OptionPanel::dataSet2Enabled

Flag if the second dataset (texture) is enabled or not

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::distanceSpinner [private]

Spinner for the selected distance of streamlines.

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::distanceSpinnerTest [private]

Spinner for the selected distance of streamlines.

int OptionPanel::dSep

The current distance of the streamlines in pixels

float OptionPanel::dt

The stepsize for the Streamline integration

int OptionPanel::dTest

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::dtSpinner [private]

int OptionPanel::glyphsEnabled

The state if the streamlines should be plotted with glyphs

GLUI_Panel* OptionPanel::gridSizeSpinnerPanel [private]

SpinnerPanel for the grid size (grid of the arrow plot).

GLUI_RadioGroup* OptionPanel::integrationSelectorGroup [private]

Radiobutton group of the selected integration method (euler, runge kutta 2).

GLUI_Panel* OptionPanel::integrationSpinnerPanel [private]

Panel which holds the streamline distance spinners

float OptionPanel::maxValue1

Current max value for the first dataset

float OptionPanel::maxValue2

Current max value for 2nd dataset

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::maxValueSpinner1 [private]

Max value spinner for the first dataset (pressure)

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::maxValueSpinner2 [private]

Max spinner for the 2nd dataset (vorticity)

float OptionPanel::minValue1

Current min value for the first dataset

float OptionPanel::minValue2

Current min value for 2nd dataset

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::minValueSpinner1 [private]

Min value spinner for the first dataset (pressure)

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::minValueSpinner2 [private]

Min spinner for the 2nd dataset (vorticity)

GLUI* OptionPanel::panel [private]

GLUI root element for this window wich controls the appearance and position of the subwindow.

float OptionPanel::peekValue1

Current peek value for the first dataset

float OptionPanel::peekValue2

Current peek value for 2nd dataset

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::peekValueSpinner1 [private]

Peek spinner for the first dataset (pressure)

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::peekValueSpinner2 [private]

Peek spinner for the 2nd dataset (vorticity)

int OptionPanel::renderMode

State if Arrow plottin or Streamline mode is enabled. Options are:


Note: LifeVariables.h defines ARROW_PLOT_MODE and STREAMLINE_PLOT_MODE as ProgramState.

int OptionPanel::seedPointSetting

Fleg if seed point setting is enabled or not

int OptionPanel::selectedArrowPlotMode

The number of the arrow plot mode. Options are:



int OptionPanel::selectedGridSize

The size of the Grid in ArrowPlot mode. By default this is set to DEFAULT_ARROW_PLOT_GRIDSIZE.

Note: LifeVariables.h defines DEFAULT_ARROW_PLOT_GRIDSIZE

GLUI_Spinner* OptionPanel::selectedGridSizeSpinner [private]

Spinner for the selected grid size.

int OptionPanel::selectedStreamlineIntegration

The number of the streamline integration method. Options are:


Note: LifeVariables.h defines EULER_INTEGRATION, RK2_INTEGRATION. By default the option DEFAULT_STREAMLINE_INTEGRATION is set, which is also defined there.

GLUI_Panel* OptionPanel::streamlinePanel [private]

Panel that contains all options for volume visualisation.

GLUI_Button* OptionPanel::switchModeBtn [private]

Button to switch between the slicing and the volume mode

int OptionPanel::taperingEnabled

The state if the Streamlines should be thinner at their ends

GLUI_RadioGroup* OptionPanel::volumeInterpolationSelectorGroup [private]

Radiobutton group of the selected interpolation mode.

GLUI_Button* OptionPanel::zoomInBtn [private]

Button to zoom in

GLUI_Button* OptionPanel::zoomOutBtn [private]

Button to zoom out

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Generated on Tue Jan 24 00:36:47 2006 for ZVis by  doxygen 1.4.1