Data Class Reference

#import <Data.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - init
(id) - copyWithZone:
(id) - retain
(unsigned) - retainCount
(void) - release
(id) - autorelease
(void) - loadFromFileName:
(int) - xDim
(int) - yDim
(float) - width
(float) - height
(Vector- maxVector
(BOOL) - hasData
(DataPoint- dataPointForX:Y:
(NSPoint) - gridPointForX:Y:
(int) - minXForX:
(int) - minYForY:
(DataPoint- getDataPointForX:Y:

Static Public Member Functions

(Data *) + sharedInstance
(id) + allocWithZone:

Protected Attributes

NSString * filename
int xDim
int yDim
int zDim
float width
float height
float minWidth
float minHeight
float maxWidth
float maxHeight
int numAdditionalSets
int numTimeSteps
float timeBetween2Steps
Vector maxVector
NSPoint * gridPoints

Member Function Documentation

+ (id) allocWithZone: (NSZone *)  zone  

- (id) autorelease  

- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *)  zone  

- (DataPoint) dataPointForX: (int)  x
Y: (int)  y

- (DataPoint) getDataPointForX: (float)  x
Y: (float)  y

liefert den datenpunkt für ein x, y und z (0 <= x,y <= xDim,yDim)

- (NSPoint) gridPointForX: (int)  x
Y: (int)  y

- (BOOL) hasData  

check if there is allready a data loaded

- (float) height  

liefert die höhe des datensatzes

- (id) init  

- (void) loadFromFileName: (NSString *)  fname  

laden der daten von einem filename

- (Vector) maxVector  

liefert den vektor mit maximaler länge

- (int) minXForX: (float)  px  

- (int) minYForY: (float)  py  

- (void) release  

- (id) retain  

- (unsigned) retainCount  

+ (Data*) sharedInstance  

retourniert das (einzig existierende) Data object

- (float) width  

liefert die weite des datensatzes

- (int) xDim  

nummer datensamples in x richtung

- (int) yDim  

nummer datensamples in x richtung

Member Data Documentation

- (DataPoint*) dataPoints [protected]

- (NSString*) filename [protected]

- (NSPoint*) gridPoints [protected]

- (float) height [protected]

- (float) maxHeight [protected]

- (Vector) maxVector [protected]

- (float) maxWidth [protected]

- (float) minHeight [protected]

- (float) minWidth [protected]

- (int) numAdditionalSets [protected]

- (int) numTimeSteps [protected]

- (float) timeBetween2Steps [protected]

- (float) width [protected]

- (int) xDim [protected]

- (int) yDim [protected]

- (int) zDim [protected]

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