FlowVis Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
flowvis::ArrowPlotOptionsSummary description for DataOptions
flowvis::BackgroundOptionsSummary description for DataOptions
flowvis::ConfigSummary description for Config
flowvis::DataSummary description for Data
flowvis::DataItemSummary description for DataItem
flowvis::DataOptionsSummary description for DataOptions
Axiom::MathLib::FieldPropertyDescriptorDescribes a field of a type to allow its use with the properties that are retrieved by TypeDescriptor for use by the PropertyGrid
flowvis::FilterSummary description for LogicalOperator
flowvis::FlowFieldFormSummary description for FlowFieldForm
flowvis::FlowFieldOptionsSummary description for DataOptions
flowvis::GridSummary description for Grid
flowvis::IArrowPlotOptionsHostSummary description for IFlowFieldOptions
flowvis::IBackgroundOptionsHostSummary description for IFlowFieldOptions
flowvis::IDataOptionsHostSummary description for IOptionsHost
flowvis::IDocumentsHostIDocumentsHost interface Provides comunication between documents (FlowFieldForm) and host (MainForm)
flowvis::IFlowFieldOptionsHostSummary description for IFlowFieldOptions
flowvis::IntegrationSummary description for Integration
Axiom::MathLib::IntersectResultSimple struct to allow returning a complex intersection result
flowvis::ITransferFunctionHostSummary description for ITransferFunctionHost
flowvis::MainFormSummary description for MainForm
Axiom::MathLib::MathUtilThis is a class which exposes static methods for various common math functions. Currently, the methods simply wrap the methods of the System.Math class (with the exception of a few added extras). This is in case the implementation needs to be swapped out with a faster C++ implementation, if deemed that the System.Math methods are not up to far speed wise
Axiom::MathLib::ParsingExpandingTypeConverterBaseRepresents the base class for Type Converters that when associated with a type or property using the TypeConverter attribute will allow it to be edited both as parsable text and a expandable/collapsable tree of properties just like the how Point and Size properties are edited using the PropertyGrid
flowvis::PixelDataSummary description for UnsafeBitmap
flowvis::SeedPointListSummary description for SeedingPointList
flowvis::TextureSummary description for Texture
flowvis::TransferFunctionSummary description for TransferFunction
flowvis::TransferPointSummary description for TransferPoint
flowvis::TransferPointListZusammenfassung für TransferPointList
Axiom::MathLib::Vector22 dimensional vector
Axiom::MathLib::Vector3Standard 3-dimensional vector

Generated on Mon Jan 23 19:31:15 2006 for FlowVis by  doxygen 1.4.5