BlackView Class Reference

#include <BlackView.h>

Inheritance diagram for BlackView:

OpenGLView List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BlackView ()
 Implementation for type information about the MFC classes at runtime.
virtual ~BlackView ()
virtual BOOL initOpenGL ()
virtual void renderScene ()
void setDeviceContext ()
void OnPaint ()
VolumeLoadergetVolumeLoader ()
matrix44getInvViewMatrix ()
void OnMouseMove (UINT flags, CPoint point)

Public Attributes

matrix44 view_matrix_
 The view matrix of the volume.
matrix44 inv_view_matrix_
 The inverse view matrix of the volume.
 This holds the opaque cube algorithm.
bool are_opaque_cubes_already_created_
 This holds the opaque cube creation flag.

Protected Member Functions

virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &create_struct)
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT create_struct)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd (CDC *device_context)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT type, int new_width, int new_height)

Protected Attributes

 The slice color data for the OpenGL rendering.
 This holds the raycaster.
float zoom_
 This holds the value of the zoom.
float x_pos_
 This holds the x position of the camera.
float y_pos_
 This holds the y position of the camera.
float x_rot_
 This holds the x rotation angle.
float y_rot_
 This holds the y rotation angle.
float rotation_angle_
 This holds the rotation angle adjusted by the mouse movements.
Vector3 rotation_axis_
 This holds the rotation axis adjusted by the mouse movements.
int last_mouse_x_
 This holds the last x mouse position.
int last_mouse_y_
 This holds the last y mouse position.
unsigned int slice_x_dim_
 The x slice dimension.
unsigned int slice_y_dim_
 The y slice dimension.
unsigned int slice_z_dim_
 The z slice dimension.

Private Attributes

float slice_size
 The draw size of the slice.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BlackView::BlackView (  ) 

Implementation for type information about the MFC classes at runtime.

The default constructor.

BlackView::~BlackView (  )  [virtual]

The destructor.

Member Function Documentation

matrix44* BlackView::getInvViewMatrix (  ) 

Gets the current view matrix


VolumeLoader* BlackView::getVolumeLoader (  ) 

BOOL BlackView::initOpenGL (  )  [virtual]

This initializes all stuff needed for the OpenGL rendering.

If the setting og the pixel format succeeded, it returns TRUE; otherwise FALSE.

Reimplemented from OpenGLView.

int BlackView::OnCreate ( LPCREATESTRUCT  create_struct  )  [protected]

The MFC framework calls this member function when an application requests that the Windows window be created by calling the Create or CreateEx member function.

create_struct Points to a CREATESTRUCT structure that contains information about the CWnd object being created.

Reimplemented from OpenGLView.

void BlackView::OnDestroy (  )  [protected]

The framework calls this member function to inform the CWnd object that it is being destroyed.

Reimplemented from OpenGLView.

BOOL BlackView::OnEraseBkgnd ( CDC *  device_context  )  [protected]

The MFC framework calls this member function when the CWnd object background needs erasing (for example, when resized).

device_context Specifies the device-context object.

Reimplemented from OpenGLView.

void BlackView::OnMouseMove ( UINT  flags,
CPoint  point 

The MFC framework calls this member function when the mouse cursor moves.

flags Indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
point Specifies the x- and y-coordinate of the cursor. These coordinates are always relative to the upper-left corner of the window.

void BlackView::OnPaint (  ) 

afx_msg void BlackView::OnSize ( UINT  type,
int  new_width,
int  new_height 
) [protected]

The framework calls this member function after the window's size has changed. Here we adjust the viewport after sizing the window.

type Specifies the type of resizing requested.
new_width Specifies the new width of the client area.
new_height Specifies the new height of the client area. information about the CWnd object being created.

BOOL BlackView::PreCreateWindow ( CREATESTRUCT &  create_struct  )  [protected, virtual]

Called before the creation of the Windows window attached to this CWnd object.

create_struct This structure defines the initialization parameters passed to the window procedure of an application.
Returns TRUE if the window creation should continue and FALSE to indicate creation failure.

Reimplemented from OpenGLView.

void BlackView::renderScene (  )  [virtual]

Renders the scene of the current OpenGL view.

Implements OpenGLView.

void BlackView::setDeviceContext (  ) 

Sets the device context.

Member Data Documentation

bool BlackView::are_opaque_cubes_already_created_

This holds the opaque cube creation flag.

matrix44 BlackView::inv_view_matrix_

The inverse view matrix of the volume.

int BlackView::last_mouse_x_ [protected]

This holds the last x mouse position.

int BlackView::last_mouse_y_ [protected]

This holds the last y mouse position.

OpaqueCubes* BlackView::opaque_cubes_

This holds the opaque cube algorithm.

Raycaster* BlackView::raycaster_ [protected]

This holds the raycaster.

RenderWindow* BlackView::render_win_

float BlackView::rotation_angle_ [protected]

This holds the rotation angle adjusted by the mouse movements.

Vector3 BlackView::rotation_axis_ [protected]

This holds the rotation axis adjusted by the mouse movements.

RGBAColor* BlackView::slice_data_ [protected]

The slice color data for the OpenGL rendering.

float BlackView::slice_size [private]

The draw size of the slice.

unsigned int BlackView::slice_x_dim_ [protected]

The x slice dimension.

unsigned int BlackView::slice_y_dim_ [protected]

The y slice dimension.

unsigned int BlackView::slice_z_dim_ [protected]

The z slice dimension.

matrix44 BlackView::view_matrix_

The view matrix of the volume.

float BlackView::x_pos_ [protected]

This holds the x position of the camera.

float BlackView::x_rot_ [protected]

This holds the x rotation angle.

float BlackView::y_pos_ [protected]

This holds the y position of the camera.

float BlackView::y_rot_ [protected]

This holds the y rotation angle.

float BlackView::zoom_ [protected]

This holds the value of the zoom.

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Generated on Wed Dec 6 11:27:27 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.7