ThreadedRayCaster Class Reference

#include <ThreadedRayCaster.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ThreadedRayCaster (void *aWindow, void *aParent, Volume *aVolume)
 ~ThreadedRayCaster ()
void drawVolume (POINT aDrawSize, RGBAColor *aResultArray, Vector3 aDirection, Vector3 aPos, Vector3 anXDirection, Vector3 aYDirection)

Public Attributes


Private Member Functions

void issueLine (RayCalculations *aCalculator)
void nextLine ()
void loadValues ()
void writeLine (unsigned int aLineNo)
bool lineDone (unsigned int aLineNo)
int checkDone ()

Private Attributes

unsigned int theNumberOfThreads
POINT theDrawSize
bool * theLinesIssued
bool * theLinesDone
bool * theLinesDrawn
int theCurrLine
unsigned int theLineIncrement
void(RayCalculations::* theMode )(Vector3, Vector3, RGBAColor &)
Vector3 theDirection
Vector3 thePos
Vector3 theXDirection
Vector3 theYDirection
std::list< unsigned int > theRunningLines
std::map< unsigned int, RayCalculations * > theAssignedWork
void * theParentCaster
void * theParentWindow

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ThreadedRayCaster::ThreadedRayCaster ( void *  aWindow,
void *  aParent,
Volume aVolume 


aVolume the volume data

ThreadedRayCaster::~ThreadedRayCaster (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

int ThreadedRayCaster::checkDone (  )  [private]

checks if any lines have finisched

number of finished line, -1 if none

void ThreadedRayCaster::drawVolume ( POINT  aDrawSize,
RGBAColor aResultArray,
Vector3  aDirection,
Vector3  aPos,
Vector3  anXDirection,
Vector3  aYDirection 

renders the volume

aResultArray the result will be drawn into this
aDirection direction the rays are looking at
aPos starting position of the upper left ray
anXDirection horizontal position difference between two rays
aYDirection vertical position difference between two rays

void ThreadedRayCaster::issueLine ( RayCalculations aCalculator  )  [private]

starts a new thread to render a line

aCalculator the instance to render the line

bool ThreadedRayCaster::lineDone ( unsigned int  aLineNo  )  [private]

finish the line and start the next one

aLineNo the number of the line
whether all lines are done and the casting process finished (otherwise another line has been started)

void ThreadedRayCaster::loadValues (  )  [private]

saves all modifiable values for casting process, issued before the first thread is started

void ThreadedRayCaster::nextLine (  )  [private]

sets the current line to the next line for progressive refinement

void ThreadedRayCaster::writeLine ( unsigned int  aLineNo  )  [private]

writes the color data after a line is done

aLineNo number of the line data shall be written for

Member Data Documentation

std::map<unsigned int, RayCalculations*> ThreadedRayCaster::theAssignedWork [private]

RayCalculations* ThreadedRayCaster::theCalculators [private]

RGBAColor* ThreadedRayCaster::theColorTransfer [private]

int ThreadedRayCaster::theCurrLine [private]

Vector3 ThreadedRayCaster::theDirection [private]

POINT ThreadedRayCaster::theDrawSize [private]

unsigned int ThreadedRayCaster::theLineIncrement [private]

bool* ThreadedRayCaster::theLinesDone [private]

bool* ThreadedRayCaster::theLinesDrawn [private]

bool* ThreadedRayCaster::theLinesIssued [private]

void(RayCalculations::* ThreadedRayCaster::theMode)(Vector3, Vector3, RGBAColor &) [private]

unsigned int ThreadedRayCaster::theNumberOfThreads [private]

void* ThreadedRayCaster::theParentCaster [private]

void* ThreadedRayCaster::theParentWindow [private]

Vector3 ThreadedRayCaster::thePos [private]

RGBAColor* ThreadedRayCaster::theResultingColor [private]

std::list<unsigned int> ThreadedRayCaster::theRunningLines [private]

RGBAColor* ThreadedRayCaster::theTemporaryColor [private]

Volume* ThreadedRayCaster::theVolumeToUse

Vector3 ThreadedRayCaster::theXDirection [private]

Vector3 ThreadedRayCaster::theYDirection [private]

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