CChildFrame Class Reference

#include <ChildFrm.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CChildFrame ()
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs)
virtual BOOL initOpenGL ()
void setContext ()
virtual void renderScene ()
void setRenderFlag (bool rs)
virtual ~CChildFrame ()
void OnPaint ()
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonReset ()

Public Attributes

CDC * device_context_
 The device context.
CDocument * document
CPaintDC * paint_device_context_
CRect * rect_
unsigned int x_dim_
unsigned int y_dim_
float pic_size
 The draw size of the image.
int last_y_pos_
 The last y position value of the mouse cursor.
int last_x_pos_
 The last x position value of the mouse cursor.
 The color data for the OpenGL rendering.
HGLRC rendering_context_
 The rendering context handle.
bool render_scene_

Protected Member Functions

virtual BOOL createViewGLContext ()
void swapGLBuffers ()
void OnMouseMove (UINT flags, CPoint point)
void OnMButtonDown (UINT flags, CPoint point)
virtual BOOL OnCreateClient (LPCREATESTRUCT create_struct, CCreateContext *create_context)
BOOL setupPixelFormat ()
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT type, int new_width, int new_height)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CChildFrame::CChildFrame (  ) 

CChildFrame::~CChildFrame (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

BOOL CChildFrame::createViewGLContext (  )  [protected, virtual]

Creates the OpenGL context for drawing on the view.

Returns TRUE if the creations went well; FALSE otherwise.

BOOL CChildFrame::initOpenGL (  )  [virtual]

This initializes all stuff needed for the OpenGL rendering.

If the setting og the pixel format succeeded, it returns TRUE; otherwise FALSE.

void CChildFrame::OnBnClickedButtonReset (  ) 

BOOL CChildFrame::OnCreateClient ( LPCREATESTRUCT  create_struct,
CCreateContext *  create_context 
) [protected, virtual]

Called by the framework during the execution of OnCreate.

create_struct A pointer to a Windows 'CREATESTRUCT' structure, defining the initialization parameters passed to the window procedure of an application.
create_context A pointer to a 'CCreateContext' structure containing pointers to the document, the frame window, the view, and the document template.

void CChildFrame::OnMButtonDown ( UINT  flags,
CPoint  point 
) [protected]

void CChildFrame::OnMouseMove ( UINT  flags,
CPoint  point 
) [protected]

The MFC framework calls this member function when the mouse cursor moves.

flags Indicates whether various virtual keys are down.
point Specifies the x- and y-coordinate of the cursor. These coordinates are always relative to the upper-left corner of the window.

void CChildFrame::OnPaint (  ) 

void CChildFrame::OnSize ( UINT  type,
int  new_width,
int  new_height 
) [protected]

The framework calls this member function after the window's size has changed. Here we adjust the viewport after sizing the window.

type Specifies the type of resizing requested.
new_width Specifies the new width of the client area.
new_height Specifies the new height of the client area. information about the CWnd object being created.

BOOL CChildFrame::PreCreateWindow ( CREATESTRUCT &  cs  )  [virtual]

void CChildFrame::renderScene (  )  [virtual]

Renders the scene of the current OpenGL view.

void CChildFrame::setContext (  ) 

Sets the rendering context.

void CChildFrame::setRenderFlag ( bool  rs  ) 

Sets the renderflag.

BOOL CChildFrame::setupPixelFormat (  )  [protected]

Sets the format of the pixels to draw.

If the setting of the pixel format succeeded, it returns TRUE; otherwise FALSE.

void CChildFrame::swapGLBuffers (  )  [protected]

Sets the device context.

Member Data Documentation

CDC* CChildFrame::device_context_

The device context.

CDocument* CChildFrame::document

int CChildFrame::last_x_pos_

The last x position value of the mouse cursor.

int CChildFrame::last_y_pos_

The last y position value of the mouse cursor.

CPaintDC* CChildFrame::paint_device_context_

float CChildFrame::pic_size

The draw size of the image.

RGBAColor* CChildFrame::picture_data_

The color data for the OpenGL rendering.

CRect* CChildFrame::rect_

bool CChildFrame::render_scene_

HGLRC CChildFrame::rendering_context_

The rendering context handle.

FlowData* CChildFrame::theFlowData

Visualization* CChildFrame::thePainter

unsigned int CChildFrame::x_dim_

unsigned int CChildFrame::y_dim_

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