Window Class Reference

#include <window.h>

List of all members.


void colorTextureChanged ()

Public Member Functions

 Window ()

Private Slots

void setDefaultGradientStops ()
void setOpenFileName ()
void saveGradientStops (const QGradientStops &stops)

Private Member Functions

QSlider * createSlider (QWidget *parent=0)

Detailed Description

The window class represents the whole application window.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Window::Window (  ) 

Constructor that creates the GUI.

Member Function Documentation

void Window::setDefaultGradientStops (  )  [private, slot]

Loads and sets the gradient stops for the current volume.

void Window::setOpenFileName (  )  [private, slot]

Creates a file dialog with which a Volume can be loaded.

void Window::saveGradientStops ( const QGradientStops &  stops  )  [private, slot]

Saves the given gradient stops into a file, calls for a update of the transfer texture and emits a colorTextureChanged signal.

stops are the gradient stops which should be saved.

void Window::colorTextureChanged (  )  [signal]

A signal that is send on change of the transfer texture.

QSlider * Window::createSlider ( QWidget *  parent = 0  )  [private]

Creates a QSlider.

parent is the parent of the slider.
The pointer to the created QSlider.

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