Transferfunction Class Reference

This class reprsents a Transferfunction;. More...

#include <Transferfunction.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Transferfunction (const Transferfunction &t)
Transferfunctionoperator= (const Transferfunction &t)
void clear ()
void clearAlpha ()
void clearColor ()
void set (const float &position, const ColorRGB &color)
void set (const float &position, const float &alpha)
void remColor (const float &position)
ColorRGB getColor (const float &pos) const
float getNextColorPos (const float &pos) const
float getPrevColorPos (const float &pos) const
void remAlpha (const float &position)
float getAlpha (const float &pos) const
float getNextAlphaPos (const float &pos) const
float getPrevAlphaPos (const float &pos) const
std::vector< ColorRGBgetColorArray (const unsigned size) const
std::vector< float > getAlphaArray (const unsigned size) const
std::vector< unsigned char > getRGBAArray (const unsigned size) const

Protected Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)


class boost::serialization::access

Detailed Description

This class reprsents a Transferfunction;.

It holds mutliple points of rgba data and interpolates the value between them linear. The class is also serializeable so the presets can be saved and loaded again.

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