Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Properties

TransferPanel Class Reference

Settings Panel of the transfer function. More...

#import <TransferPanel.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - reloadGradient
 Reload the gradient.
(void) - setStartColor:
 Set the start color fo the gradient.
(void) - setEndColor:
 Set the end color fo the gradient.
(void) - setHistogramm:withMaxValue:
 This method will override the old histogramm with hist.
(IBAction) - checkBoxClicked:
 Called if the histogramm checkbox is clicked.
(IBAction) - saveTransferfunction:
 Called if the "Save Transferfunction" button is clicked This will save the transferfunction to a file.
(IBAction) - openTransferfunction:
 Called if the "Open Transferfunction" button is clicked.
(void) - dealloc
 Called when a object of this class is released.

Protected Attributes

NSGradient * gradient
NSColor * startingColor
NSColor * endingColor
BOOL colorChanged
BOOL histogrammEnabled
int * histogramm
NSButton * checkBox


IBOutlet NSButton * checkBox
NSUInteger maxHistValue
int activeNode
int nodeCount
NSMutableArray * transferNodes

Detailed Description

Settings Panel of the transfer function.

This class manages the graphical representation of the transferfunction, the histogramm and notifies the MyOpenGLView when changes should be applied.

Member Function Documentation

- (IBAction) checkBoxClicked: (id)  sender

Called if the histogramm checkbox is clicked.

This will enable or disable the histogramm.

senderThe invoker of the method. Can be nil.
- (void) dealloc

Called when a object of this class is released.

This will release all attributes an afterwards itself.

- (IBAction) openTransferfunction: (id)  sender

Called if the "Open Transferfunction" button is clicked.

This will open a previous saved transferfunction

senderThe invoker of the method. Can be nil.
- (void) reloadGradient

Reload the gradient.

This method is called after a new TransferNoder is added, a existing removed or changed.

- (IBAction) saveTransferfunction: (id)  sender

Called if the "Save Transferfunction" button is clicked This will save the transferfunction to a file.

senderThe invoker of the method
- (void) setEndColor: (NSColor *)  endColor

Set the end color fo the gradient.

endColorThe NSColor which has to be set for the end of the gradient
- (void) setHistogramm: (int *)  hist
withMaxValue: (NSUInteger)  maxValue 

This method will override the old histogramm with hist.

It get's called after a new file is loaded. The resolution of the histogramm is definied with kHistogrammResolution

histA int array with the histogramm values
maxValueThe maximum value of hist
- (void) setStartColor: (NSColor *)  startColor

Set the start color fo the gradient.

startColorThe NSColor which has to be set for the start of the gradient

Member Data Documentation

- (NSButton*) checkBox [protected]
- (BOOL) colorChanged [protected]
- (NSColor*) endingColor [protected]
- (NSGradient*) gradient [protected]
- (int*) histogramm [protected]
- (BOOL) histogrammEnabled [protected]
- (NSColor*) startingColor [protected]

Property Documentation

- (int) activeNode [read, write, assign]
- (IBOutlet NSButton*) checkBox [read, write, retain]
- (NSUInteger) maxHistValue [read, write, assign]
- (int) nodeCount [read, write, assign]
- (NSMutableArray *) transferNodes [read, write, retain]
- (NSBezierPath *) transferPath [read, write, retain]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator Properties Defines