Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Properties

SettingsController Class Reference

#import <SettingsController.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - setDataName:
(IBAction) - openFileChooser:
(IBAction) - addLayer:
(IBAction) - removeLayer:
(IBAction) - setLayerActive:
(IBAction) - setLayerAlpha:
(IBAction) - setArrowSlider:
(IBAction) - setARColor:
(IBAction) - setSLAlgo:
(IBAction) - setStreamLineSlider:
(IBAction) - setSLColor:
(IBAction) - enableSLFeature:
(NSArray *) - getAllActiveLayers
(NSArray *) - getAllActiveArrowLayers
(NSArray *) - getAllActiveStreamLineLayers
(NSArray *) - getAllActiveCCLayers
(int) - numberOfRowsInTableView:
(id) - tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:
(id) - tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:
(void) - tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row:
(void) - tableViewSelectionDidChange:

Protected Attributes

NSMutableArray * layers
NSTabView * tabView
NSTableView * tableView
NSComboBox * channelBox
NSString * dataName
NSColorWell * arrCWell
NSColorWell * slCWell
NSSlider * arrLengthSlider
NSSlider * arrDistanceSlider
NSSlider * slDensitySlider
NSSlider * slStepSlider
NSSlider * slStepWidhtSlider
NSTextField * lengthTxt
NSTextField * distanceTxt
NSTextField * densityLabel
NSTextField * stepsLabel
NSTextField * stepWidthLabel


IBOutlet NSColorWell * arrCWell
IBOutlet NSColorWell * slCWell
IBOutlet NSSlider * arrLengthSlider
IBOutlet NSSlider * arrDistanceSlider
IBOutlet NSSlider * slDensitySlider
IBOutlet NSSlider * slStepSlider
IBOutlet NSSlider * slStepWidhtSlider
IBOutlet NSTextField * lengthTxt
IBOutlet NSTextField * distanceTxt
IBOutlet NSTextField * densityLabel
IBOutlet NSTextField * stepsLabel
IBOutlet NSTextField * stepWidthLabel
IBOutlet NSTabView * tabView
IBOutlet NSTableView * tableView
IBOutlet ColorCodingViewcolorCodingView
IBOutlet NSComboBox * channelBox
NSArray * layers

Detailed Description

This controller handles the Settings View

Member Function Documentation

- (IBAction) addLayer: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if a layer is added

- (IBAction) enableSLFeature: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if a feature of a stream layer is selected

- (NSArray *) getAllActiveArrowLayers

Returns all active arrow layers

all active arrow layers
- (NSArray *) getAllActiveCCLayers

Return all active color coding layers

all active color coding layers
- (NSArray *) getAllActiveLayers

Returns all active layers

all active layers
- (NSArray *) getAllActiveStreamLineLayers

Returns all active stream line layers

all active stream line layers

- (int) numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *)  aTableView
- (IBAction) openFileChooser: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if the user opens a file

- (IBAction) removeLayer: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if a layer is removed

- (IBAction) setARColor: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if the color of an arrow layer is changed

- (IBAction) setArrowSlider: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if a user changes the slider of an arrow layer

- (void) setDataName: (NSString *)  _dataName

Sets the name to display in the Settings View

- (IBAction) setLayerActive: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if a layer is set acitve

- (IBAction) setLayerAlpha: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if the opacity of a layer changes

- (IBAction) setSLAlgo: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if the algorithm of a stream layer is changed

- (IBAction) setSLColor: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if the color of a stream layer is changed

- (IBAction) setStreamLineSlider: (id)  sender

Action which will be called if user changed the slide of an stream line layer

- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)  aTableView
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)  aTableColumn
row: (int)  rowIndex 
- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)  aTableView
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)  aTableColumn
row: (int)  rowIndex 
- (void) tableView: (NSTableView *)  aTableView
setObjectValue: (id)  anObject
forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)  aTableColumn
row: (int)  rowIndex 
- (void) tableViewSelectionDidChange: (NSNotification *)  notification

Member Data Documentation

- (NSColorWell*) arrCWell [protected]
- (NSSlider*) arrDistanceSlider [protected]
- (NSSlider*) arrLengthSlider [protected]
- (NSComboBox*) channelBox [protected]
- (ColorCodingView*) colorCodingView [protected]
- (NSString*) dataName [protected]
- (NSTextField*) densityLabel [protected]
- (NSTextField*) distanceTxt [protected]
- (NSMutableArray*) layers [protected]
- (NSTextField*) lengthTxt [protected]
- (NSColorWell*) slCWell [protected]
- (NSSlider*) slDensitySlider [protected]
- (NSSlider*) slStepSlider [protected]
- (NSSlider*) slStepWidhtSlider [protected]
- (NSTextField*) stepsLabel [protected]
- (NSTextField*) stepWidthLabel [protected]
- (NSTableView*) tableView [protected]
- (NSTabView*) tabView [protected]

Property Documentation

- (IBOutlet NSColorWell*) arrCWell [read, write, retain]

Connections to the GUI elements

- (IBOutlet NSSlider*) arrDistanceSlider [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSSlider*) arrLengthSlider [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSComboBox*) channelBox [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet ColorCodingView*) colorCodingView [read, write, retain]
- (FlowData *) data [read, write, assign]

Data source of the flow data

- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) densityLabel [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) distanceTxt [read, write, retain]
- (NSArray*) layers [read, write, copy]

This array contains all the layers

- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) lengthTxt [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSColorWell*) slCWell [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSSlider*) slDensitySlider [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSSlider*) slStepSlider [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSSlider*) slStepWidhtSlider [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) stepsLabel [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSTextField*) stepWidthLabel [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSTableView*) tableView [read, write, retain]
- (IBOutlet NSTabView*) tabView [read, write, retain]

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