Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

FlowShader Class Reference

#import <FlowShader.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - init
(void) - useProgramm:
(int) - bindShaderRenderMode:
(int) - bindShaderTexture:textureUnit:uniformName:
(int) - bindShaderFloatValue:unfiormName:
(int) - bindShaderColor:uniformName:

Protected Attributes

GLuint programm

Detailed Description

This class handles the OpenGL shaders

Member Function Documentation

- (int) bindShaderColor: (NSColor *)  color
uniformName: (NSString *)  name 

Sets a color parameter for the shaders

colorThe color for the shdader
uniformNameThe parameter name for the shaders
- (int) bindShaderFloatValue: (float)  value
unfiormName: (NSString *)  name 

Sets a float value to the shaders

valueThe float value
uniformNameThe parameter name for the shaders
- (int) bindShaderRenderMode: (RenderMode mode

Sets the render mode of the shader (arrow plot, stream line, color coding)

modeThe render mode for the shaders
- (int) bindShaderTexture: (GLuint)  texture
textureUnit: (int)  unit
uniformName: (NSString *)  name 

Sets a texture for the shaders

textureThe OpenGL texture unit
uniformNameThe parameter name for the shaders
- (id) init

Initializes the shader object

- (void) useProgramm: (BOOL)  use

Defines if the shaders should be used

useIndicates if shaders should be used

Member Data Documentation

- (GLuint) programm [protected]

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