Public Slots | Public Member Functions

Vis_Lab2 Class Reference

#include <vis_lab2.h>

List of all members.

Public Slots

void openFileLocation ()
void transferChanged ()
void numChannelsChanged (int)
void arrowColorChanged ()
void streamColorChanged ()

Public Member Functions

 Vis_Lab2 (QWidget *parent=0)
 ~Vis_Lab2 ()

Detailed Description

The main GUI class whicht has all needed GUI elements.

Christian Hirsch
Clemens Roegner

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Vis_Lab2::Vis_Lab2 ( QWidget *  parent = 0 )
Vis_Lab2::~Vis_Lab2 (  )

Member Function Documentation

void Vis_Lab2::arrowColorChanged (  ) [slot]

Changes the color of the arrows.

void Vis_Lab2::numChannelsChanged ( int  _num ) [slot]

Updates the number of channels to select all available channels.

void Vis_Lab2::openFileLocation (  ) [slot]

Opens new flow data and processes it to the opengl rendering window.

void Vis_Lab2::streamColorChanged (  ) [slot]

Changes the color of the arrows.

void Vis_Lab2::transferChanged (  ) [slot]

Processes the new transferfunction values to the openglrendering window.

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