Kinetic Visualization (Visualisierung 2 - S2012)
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCAppletParticleKinematicInterface for the rendering class
oCAppletParticleKinematicImplHere our main rendering starts
oCAppletParticleKinematicListenerListener for loading new volumes
oCCSimpleIniTemplJust for saving the configurations (external)
oCGradientStopWidgetThis widget handles the gradient stops above the transfer function
oCHistogramGeneratorThis class generates a histogram from the given volume
oCHoverPointsHoverpoints for manipulating the transfer function (external from a Qt demo)
oCKineticVisualizationApplicationThe main main QT class with contains the render target
oCParticleThis class represents a single particle
oCParticleFactoryGenerates the particles
oCParticleMapThe datastructure for saving the particles
oCParticleMapExceptionThe exception for the particle datastructure, e.g. if a particle neighbor is not present in the map
oCParticleMapIteratorThe iterator for the particle datastructure with some extra members, like sigma
oCProcessingUtilsThis class handles all the preprocessing stuff (gradient, curvature, gaussian)
oCQKineticVisWidgetMain GUI class with a render target and some other input elements
oCTransferFunctionWidgetThis is a transfer function picker widget
oCvector_property_getterHelper class for getting the x,y,z,w coordinate of the volume
\Cvector_property_setterHelper class for setting the x,y,z,w coordinate of the volume