Kinetic Visualization
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Ui::MainWindow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Ui::MainWindow:
Ui_MainWindow MainWindow

List of all members.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_MainWindow
void setupUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)
void retranslateUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ui_MainWindow
QAction * actionClose
QAction * actionOpen
QAction * actionSave
QAction * actionLoad_Transferfunction
QAction * actionSave_Transferfunction
QAction * actionReset
QWidget * centralwidget
QGridLayout * gridLayout_9
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_6
QFrame * frame
QGridLayout * gridLayout_8
QTabWidget * tabWidget
QWidget * tab_Slicing
QGroupBox * groupBox_Axes
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_4
QFormLayout * formLayout
QLabel * label
QLabel * label_2
QLabel * label_6
QSlider * sliceSlider_x
QSlider * sliceSlider_y
QSlider * sliceSlider_z
QWidget * tab_Rendering
QGroupBox * groupBox_Light
QGridLayout * gridLayout_5
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_5
QCheckBox * checkBox_activateLight
QCheckBox * checkBox_Phong
QGroupBox * groupBox_StepMode
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_3
QRadioButton * radioButton_adaptiveStep
QRadioButton * radioButton_fixStep
QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox_Step
QGroupBox * groupBox_5
QRadioButton * radioButton
QRadioButton * radioButton_2
QRadioButton * radioButton_3
QGroupBox * groupBox_Clipping
QGridLayout * gridLayout_4
QFormLayout * formLayout_2
QLabel * label_3
QLabel * label_4
QLabel * label_5
QSlider * horizontalSlider_x
QSlider * horizontalSlider_y
QSlider * horizontalSlider_z
QGroupBox * groupBox_Methods
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QRadioButton * radioButton_Composite
QRadioButton * radioButton_MIP
QRadioButton * radioButton_XRay
QGroupBox * groupBox_4
QWidget * gridLayoutWidget_3
QGridLayout * gridLayout_6
QRadioButton * radioButton_7
QRadioButton * radioButton_6
QRadioButton * radioButton_5
QRadioButton * radioButton_4
QWidget * tab
QGroupBox * groupBox
QWidget * gridLayoutWidget
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QCheckBox * checkBox_7
QCheckBox * checkBox_5
QCheckBox * checkBox_6
QLabel * label_7
QLabel * label_8
QSlider * horizontalSlider_5
QSlider * horizontalSlider_6
QSlider * horizontalSlider_7
QLabel * label_9
QSlider * horizontalSlider_8
QLabel * label_10
QCheckBox * checkBox_8
QCheckBox * checkBox_9
QLabel * label_11
QSlider * horizontalSlider_9
QSpinBox * spinBox
QSpinBox * spinBox_2
QSpinBox * spinBox_3
QSpinBox * spinBox_4
QSpinBox * spinBox_5
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_2
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_3
QLabel * label_12
QCheckBox * checkBox_curvatur
QLabel * label_13
QSlider * horizontalSlider_11
QGroupBox * groupBox_2
QWidget * formLayoutWidget
QFormLayout * formLayout_3
QLabel * label_29
QSlider * horizontalSlider
QLabel * label_30
QSlider * horizontalSlider_2
QSpinBox * spinBox_7
QSpinBox * spinBox_8
QSlider * horizontalSlider_10
QLabel * label_33
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_14
QWidget * horizontalLayoutWidget_2
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_3
QPushButton * pushButton
QPushButton * pushButton_2
QWidget * tab_2
QGroupBox * groupBox_3
QWidget * gridLayoutWidget_2
QGridLayout * gridLayout_10
QCheckBox * checkBox_2
QCheckBox * checkBox_10
QLabel * label_17
QLabel * label_18
QLabel * label_19
QLabel * label_20
QLabel * label_21
QLabel * label_22
QLabel * label_23
QLabel * label_24
QLabel * label_25
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_5
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_6
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_7
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_8
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_9
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_10
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_11
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_12
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_4
QLabel * label_26
QLabel * label_27
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_13
QLabel * label_14
QLabel * label_15
QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpinBox_15
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QGroupBox * groupBox_6
QWidget * formLayoutWidget_3
QFormLayout * formLayout_5
QLabel * label_31
QSlider * horizontalSlider_3
QLabel * label_32
QSlider * horizontalSlider_4
QSpinBox * spinBox_9
QSpinBox * spinBox_10
QWidget * horizontalLayoutWidget_3
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_4
QPushButton * pushButton_3
QPushButton * pushButton_4
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer
QMenuBar * menubar
QMenu * menuFile
QMenu * menuTransferfunction
QStatusBar * statusbar
QDockWidget * dockWidget
QWidget * dockWidgetContents_2
QWidget * transferWidget
QtColorTriangle * colortriangle
QFrame * frame_2
QWidget * verticalLayoutWidget_2
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_8
QPushButton * bt_selection
QPushButton * bt_drawPoint
QPushButton * bt_drawRectangle
QPushButton * bt_drawEllipse
QWidget * formLayoutWidget_2
QFormLayout * formLayout_4
QComboBox * comboBox
QPushButton * bt_apply
QPushButton * resetButton
QPushButton * bt_cluster
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_2
QLabel * label_28
QSpinBox * spinBox_6

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