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Ui::AO4OMClass Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Ui::AO4OMClass:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_AO4OMClass
void setupUi (QMainWindow *AO4OMClass)
void retranslateUi (QMainWindow *AO4OMClass)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ui_AO4OMClass
QAction * actionExit
QAction * actionLoad_Data
QWidget * centralWidget
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_2
QGroupBox * atomScale
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QLabel * label
QSlider * horizontalSlider
QGroupBox * groupBox
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_3
QLabel * label_2
QSlider * horizontalSlider_2
QLabel * label_3
QSlider * horizontalSlider_3
QGroupBox * groupBox_2
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_4
QLabel * label_4
QComboBox * comboBox
QGroupBox * groupBox_3
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_5
QLabel * label_5
QSlider * horizontalSlider_4
QLabel * label_6
QSlider * horizontalSlider_5
QLabel * label_7
QSlider * horizontalSlider_6
QLabel * label_8
QSlider * horizontalSlider_7
QGroupBox * groupBox_4
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QLabel * label_9
QLabel * label_10
QSlider * horizontalSlider_8
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer
QPushButton * pushButton
QMenuBar * menuBar
QMenu * menuMenu
QToolBar * mainToolBar
QStatusBar * statusBar

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