Force Directed Edge Bundling
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Visualisierung Class Reference

#include <visualisierung.h>

Inheritance diagram for Visualisierung:

Public Member Functions

 Visualisierung ()
 ~Visualisierung ()

Protected Slots

void useDataSet (QString n)
void bundleEdges ()
void updateStatus (QString s)
void updateProgress (int p)
void setCycles (int c)
void setIterations (int i)
void setSpringConstant (double s)

Protected Member Functions

void initInterface (void)
void initRenderWidget (void)
void initToolbox (void)
void updateToolbox (void)

Protected Attributes

Graph graph
ForceBundler forceBundler
QWidget * mainWidget
QProgressBar * progressBar
QWidget * toolBoxWidget
QCheckBox * wrapCheckBox
QCheckBox * backgroundCheckBox
QCheckBox * nodesCheckBox
QCheckBox * descriptionsCheckBox
QCheckBox * edgesCheckBox
QCheckBox * bundleCheckBox
QSpinBox * cyclesSpinBox
QSpinBox * iterationsSpinBox
QDoubleSpinBox * springSpinBox
QComboBox * datasetComboBox
QPushButton * bundleButton
bool hasBackgroundImage
bool wrapPossible
bool bundle
int cycles
int iterations
double springConstant

Detailed Description

Main application window, inherits QMainWindow Contains all user interface elements as well as the Graph calculation and bundling class

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Visualisierung::Visualisierung ( )

Constructor for the application's main window

Visualisierung::~Visualisierung ( )

Destructor for the application's main window

Member Function Documentation

void Visualisierung::bundleEdges ( )

The bundle edges slot is called when the bundle button in the user interface is pressed or when some other function calls this slot.

void Visualisierung::initInterface ( void  )

Initializes the application's user interface components.

void Visualisierung::initRenderWidget ( void  )

Initializes the render widget and defines the initial drawing parameters.

void Visualisierung::initToolbox ( void  )

Initializes the interface's toolbox items and sets their initial values.

void Visualisierung::setCycles ( int  c)

Updates the cycles member variable to a new integer value.

cis the new integer value.
void Visualisierung::setIterations ( int  i)

Updates the iterations member variable to a new integer value.

iis the new integer value.
void Visualisierung::setSpringConstant ( double  s)

Updates the spring constant member variable to a new integer value.

sis the new double value.
void Visualisierung::updateProgress ( int  p)

Updates the progress on the progressbar to a new integer value.

pis the new integer value.
void Visualisierung::updateStatus ( QString  s)

Updates the text displayed in the status bar. This slot is called from many different places in the application.

sis the new status bar text.
void Visualisierung::updateToolbox ( void  )

An update for the toolbox interface is called whenever some graph properties are changed and the toolbox needs to be refreshed accordingly.

void Visualisierung::useDataSet ( QString  name)

useDataset is called whenever a new dataset is selected from the corresponding ComboBox.

nameis the dataset's name specified as a string.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: