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sx::Matrix Class Reference

#include <SXMath.h>

Inheritance diagram for sx::Matrix:

Public Member Functions

EXPA Matrix ()
EXPA Matrix (float m)
EXPA Matrix (float m00, float m01, float m10, float m11)
EXPA Matrix (float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22)
EXPA Matrix (float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13, float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33)
EXPA Matrix (const Vector &m0, const Vector &m1, const Vector &m2, const Vector &m3)
EXPA Matrix (const float *m)
EXPA Matrix (const DMatrix &m)
EXPA Matrix (const Matrix &m)
EXPA Matrixoperator= (const Matrix &m)
virtual EXPA ~Matrix ()
EXPA float & operator[] (unsigned int index)
EXPA float operator[] (unsigned int index) const
EXPA Matrixoperator<< (const Matrix &m)
EXPA Matrixoperator<< (const float *m)
EXPA const Matrixoperator>> (Matrix &m) const
EXPA const Matrixoperator>> (float *m) const
EXPA Matrixadd (const Matrix &m)
EXPA Matrixadd (float m)
EXPA Matrixleftmult (const Matrix &m)
EXPA Matrixrightmult (const Matrix &m)
EXPA Matrixscalarmult (float s)
EXPA Matrixtranspose ()
EXPA Matrixidentity ()
EXPA Matrixinverse ()
EXPA float determinant () const
EXPA float cofactor (unsigned int row, unsigned int column) const
EXPA Matrixrandom ()
EXPA Matrixrotate (const Vector &m, float angle)
EXPA Matrixtranslate (const Vector &v)
EXPA Matrixscale (const Vector &v)
EXPA Matrixshear (const Vector &v)
EXPA Matrixsubmatrix ()
EXPA MatrixnormalMatrix ()
EXPA MatrixviewMatrix (const Vector &position, const Vector &view, const Vector &up)
EXPA MatrixperspectiveMatrix (float angle, float width, float height, float znear, float zfar)
EXPA MatrixorthographicPerspeciveMatrix (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float znear, float zfar)
EXPA bool equals (const Matrix &m) const
EXPA bool equals (const Matrix &m, float epsilon) const

Public Attributes

float * elements


EXPA friend Matrix operator+ (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2)
EXPA friend Matrix operator+ (const Matrix &m, float x)
EXPA friend Matrix operator+ (float x, const Matrix &m)
EXPA friend Matrix operator* (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2)
EXPA friend Matrix operator* (const Matrix &m, float s)
EXPA friend Matrix operator* (float s, const Matrix &m)
EXPA friend Matrix operator- (const Matrix &m)
EXPA friend Matrix operator! (const Matrix &m)
EXPA friend Matrix operator^ (const Matrix &m, int power)

Detailed Description

A 4 x 4 matrix

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( )

default constructor, initializes the matrix with the identity matrix

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( float  m)

constructor, initializes the matrix with all values set to m

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( float  m00,
float  m01,
float  m10,
float  m11 

Constructor. Initializes the matrix with the unit matrix, overwritten in its above left by the 2x2 matrix m00 m01 m10 m11

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( float  m00,
float  m01,
float  m02,
float  m10,
float  m11,
float  m12,
float  m20,
float  m21,
float  m22 

Constructor. Initializes the matrix with the unit matrix, overwritten in its above left by the 3x3 matrix m00 m01 m02 m10 m11 m12 m20 m21 m22

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( float  m00,
float  m01,
float  m02,
float  m03,
float  m10,
float  m11,
float  m12,
float  m13,
float  m20,
float  m21,
float  m22,
float  m23,
float  m30,
float  m31,
float  m32,
float  m33 

Constructor. Initializes the matrix with the matrix m00 m01 m02 m03 m10 m11 m12 m13 m20 m21 m22 m23 m30 m31 m32 m33

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( const Vector m0,
const Vector m1,
const Vector m2,
const Vector m3 

constructor, initializes the matrix with the columns m0, m1, m2, m3

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( const float *  m)

Constructor, initializes the matrix with the entries of array m. m is required to be at least of length 16, and the matrix elements in m should be given in column-major order.

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( const DMatrix m)

constructor for casting

EXPA sx::Matrix::Matrix ( const Matrix m)

copy constructor

virtual EXPA sx::Matrix::~Matrix ( )


Member Function Documentation

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::add ( const Matrix m)

adds matrix m to this vector, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::add ( float  m)

adds a matrix with all components equal to m to this, and returns a reference to this

EXPA float sx::Matrix::cofactor ( unsigned int  row,
unsigned int  column 
) const

returns the cofactor a_(row,column) of the matrix

EXPA float sx::Matrix::determinant ( ) const

returns the determinant of the matrix

EXPA bool sx::Matrix::equals ( const Matrix m) const

returns true iff all components of this and m are equal

EXPA bool sx::Matrix::equals ( const Matrix m,
float  epsilon 
) const

returns true iff the difference of each component of this and m is not larger than epsilon

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::identity ( )

sets this to the identity matrix, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::inverse ( )

Replaces itself with its inverse matrix. Leaves this untouched, if the matrix is not regular. Returns a reference to this.

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::leftmult ( const Matrix m)

stores m * this[0] in this, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::normalMatrix ( )

Assigns this with its normal matrix. A normal matrix of a 4x4 matrix m is defined as the transposed inverted matrix of the 3x3 submatrix in the left above corner of m. Let's the invertion of the 3x3 submatrix being undone, if it's not a regular matrix. Returns a reference to this.

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::operator<< ( const Matrix m)

copies matrix m, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::operator<< ( const float *  m)

Copies array m, and returns a reference to this. The length of array m must be at least 16. The elements of the matrix in m should be given in column-major order. Returns a reference to this.

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::operator= ( const Matrix m)

assignment operator

EXPA const Matrix& sx::Matrix::operator>> ( Matrix m) const

copies itself to matrix m, returns a reference to this

EXPA const Matrix& sx::Matrix::operator>> ( float *  m) const

Copies itself to array m. The content of this is copied into m in column-major order. The length of array v must be at least 16. Returns a reference to this.

EXPA float& sx::Matrix::operator[] ( unsigned int  index)

Returns a reference to the index. component. If index is out of bounds, an exception is thrown.

indexnumber of the component
returnreference to the index. component
exceptionthrows an exception Exception of type EX_BOUNDS, if index is equal to 16 or above
EXPA float sx::Matrix::operator[] ( unsigned int  index) const

Returns a reference to the index. component. If index is out of bounds, an exception is thrown.

indexnumber of the component
returnreference to the index. component
exceptionthrows an exception Exception of type EX_BOUNDS, if index is equal to 16 or above
EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::orthographicPerspeciveMatrix ( float  left,
float  right,
float  bottom,
float  top,
float  znear,
float  zfar 

Assigns this with a transformation performing an orthogonal transform from viewspace into projection space. The view frustrum is bounded by left, right along the x-axis, bottom, top along the y-axis, and along the z-axis it starts znear behind the x-y-plane, and ends zfar behind the x-y-plane. In projection space the viewing frustrum is the unit cube, with -1 on the front, and 1 on the back. Hence along the z-axis -znear in viewing space equals -1 in projection space, and -zfar in viewing space equals 1 in projection space. The specified viewing frustrum must be nonempty, otherwise this method does not change this matrix.

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::perspectiveMatrix ( float  angle,
float  width,
float  height,
float  znear,
float  zfar 

Assigns this with a transformation performing a perspective transform from viewspace into projection space. The viewing direcion in view space is the negative z-axis, which remains to be the viewing direction in projection space after the transform. Parameter angle specifies the viewing angle of the viewing frustrum in the y-z-plane in radians. width and height are the width and height of the projection plane. Along the viewing direction the viewing frustrum starts at -znear, and ends at -zfar. In projection space the viewing frustrum is the unit cube, with -1 on the front, and 1 on the back. Hence along the z-axis -znear in viewing space equals -1 in projection space, and -zfar in viewing space equals 1 in projection space. The specified viewing frustrum must be nonempty, otherwise this method does not change this matrix.

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::random ( )

assigns this with a random matrix in [0,1]^4x4, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::rightmult ( const Matrix m)

stores this[0] * m in this, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::rotate ( const Vector m,
float  angle 

assigns this with the rotation matrix representing a rotation around m by angle in radians counterclockwise, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::scalarmult ( float  s)

returns the scalar product of this and s

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::scale ( const Vector v)

Assigns this with the scaling matrix representing a scaling by v[0] along the x-axis, by v[1] along the y-axis and by v[2] along the z-axis. Returns a reference to this.

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::shear ( const Vector v)

Assigns this with the shear matrix representing a shear with the x-y plane being a plane of fixed points, and v being the shearvector of the shear mapping. Vectors parallel to the shear vector are transformed such that they are parallel to the z-axis. The third component of v must me different from zero, otherwise the method does not change this. Returns a reference to this.

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::submatrix ( )

assigns this with its 3x3 submatrix in the left above corner, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::translate ( const Vector v)

assigns this with the translation matrix representing a translation by vector v, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::transpose ( )

transposes this, and returns a reference to this

EXPA Matrix& sx::Matrix::viewMatrix ( const Vector position,
const Vector view,
const Vector up 

Assigns this with a transformation into the viewspace having its origin at position, its z-axis pointing in negative view direction, and its y-axis pointing in up direction. Vectors view and up are required to span a plane, otherwise the method will have no effect. Returns a reference to this.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

EXPA friend Matrix operator! ( const Matrix m)

returns a transposed copy of m

EXPA friend Matrix operator* ( const Matrix m1,
const Matrix m2 

returns the product m1 * m2

EXPA friend Matrix operator* ( const Matrix m,
float  s 

returns the scalar product m * s

EXPA friend Matrix operator* ( float  s,
const Matrix m 

returns the scalar product m * s

EXPA friend Matrix operator+ ( const Matrix m1,
const Matrix m2 

returns the sum of m1 and m2

EXPA friend Matrix operator+ ( const Matrix m,
float  x 

returns the sum of m and a matrix with all components equal to x

EXPA friend Matrix operator+ ( float  x,
const Matrix m 

returns the sum of m and a matrix with all components equal to x

EXPA friend Matrix operator- ( const Matrix m)

returns the product -1 * m

EXPA friend Matrix operator^ ( const Matrix m,
int  power 

Returns the power of a matrix. If matrix m is regular, and power is negative, the |power|. power of the inverse of m is computed. If m is singular, instead the |power|. power of m is computed.

Member Data Documentation

float* sx::Matrix::elements

Elements of the matrix, has always 16 of them. The elements are ordered in column-major order: Let s0, s1, s2, s3 be the column vectors of the matrix, then the elements of the matrix in the array elements are in the same order as the elements of the tuple (s0,s1,s2,s3).

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