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sx::PassWidget Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for sx::PassWidget:

Public Slots

void removeDiagramItem ()
- Public Slots inherited from sx::GraphicWidget
void pack ()
virtual void removeDiagramItem ()=0

Public Member Functions

 PassWidget (const QString &ID, int guiID, GraphEditPane *scene, QWidget *parent=0)
void setID (const QString &ID)
const QString getID () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from sx::GraphicWidget
int getGuiID () const

Protected Member Functions

void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sx::GraphicWidget
 GraphicWidget (int guiID, GraphEditPane *scene, QWidget *parent=0)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Slots inherited from sx::GraphicWidget
void startMove ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from sx::GraphicWidget
int guiID

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