ICSV - Image Color Similarity Visualization
Vienna Technical University - Course 'Visualization 2'. Author: Stefan Spelitz (0925601)
ICSV.Server.AxesBuilder Class Reference

This class is responsible for finding axes for the given images. It will rotate the whole coordinate system if necessary to preserve consistency in appearence. More...

Public Member Functions

AxisUpdate[] CreateAxes (ImageContainer[] axisImages, CoordinateContainer[] axisCoords, Dictionary< ImageContainer, CoordinateContainer > items, int dimensions)
 Creates axes for the given images. This method will update the given coordinates in the 'items' parameter if necessary. More...

Detailed Description

This class is responsible for finding axes for the given images. It will rotate the whole coordinate system if necessary to preserve consistency in appearence.

Member Function Documentation

AxisUpdate [] ICSV.Server.AxesBuilder.CreateAxes ( ImageContainer[]  axisImages,
CoordinateContainer[]  axisCoords,
Dictionary< ImageContainer, CoordinateContainer items,
int  dimensions 

Creates axes for the given images. This method will update the given coordinates in the 'items' parameter if necessary.

This method tries to rotate the 'L' axis in such a way that Lmin (black) is at Y- and Lmax (white) is at Y+. The 'a' axis will be rotated such that Amin (green) is pointing to X- and Amax (red) is pointing to X+. The 'b' axis will be flipped if necessary, such that Bmin (blue) is pointing towards Z+ and Bmax (yellow) is pointing to Z-. Please note, that the resulting axes don't need to be orthogonal, since the MDS algorithm does not ensure an orthogonal system.

axisImagesThe images of the axes. Useful for coloring the axes.
axisCoordsThe coordinates of the axes. Necessary for rotating the whole system.
itemsThe images in the current coordinate system, with their corresponding coordinates. The coordinates will be adapted when rotating/flipping the coordinate system.
dimensionsThe dimension of the coordinate system. Either 2D or 3D.
the resulting axes.