ICSV - Image Color Similarity Visualization
Vienna Technical University - Course 'Visualization 2'. Author: Stefan Spelitz (0925601)
ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider Class Reference

This class is responsible for calculating coordinates for images. More...

Inheritance diagram for ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider:

Public Member Functions

 CoordinateProvider (CoordinateCallback callback, CancellationToken cancelToken)
 Creates a new instance, using the callback to communicate progress. More...
void setDistanceProvider (DistanceProvider distanceProv)
 Sets the distance provider, necessary to get distances for images. More...
void distancesUpdated (ImageContainer image)
 Distances for the given image have been calculated. As soon as this method is called distances from/to this image to all other images, currently held by the distance provider will be available. More...
void finished ()
 The provider has finished. No more updates will occur after this method has been called. More...
void erroneous (String message)
 An error has occurred. More...
void info (String message)
 Status information by the provider More...

Detailed Description

This class is responsible for calculating coordinates for images.

This class is chained after the DistanceProvider and received both images and distances in between them. With the distances a MDS algorithm is started (for 2D and 3D Euclidean space) and the coordinates according to the distances are calculated. Finally the coordinates are scaled to fit in a specific region.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider.CoordinateProvider ( CoordinateCallback  callback,
CancellationToken  cancelToken 

Creates a new instance, using the callback to communicate progress.

callbackthe callback will be notified in case of status updates
cancelTokenthe cancellation token is used to cancel the current progress.

Member Function Documentation

void ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider.distancesUpdated ( ImageContainer  image)

Distances for the given image have been calculated. As soon as this method is called distances from/to this image to all other images, currently held by the distance provider will be available.


Implements ICSV.Server.DistanceCallback.

void ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider.erroneous ( String  message)

An error has occurred.

messagethe error message

Implements ICSV.Server.DistanceCallback.

void ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider.finished ( )

The provider has finished. No more updates will occur after this method has been called.

Implements ICSV.Server.DistanceCallback.

void ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider.info ( String  message)

Status information by the provider

messagethe information message

Implements ICSV.Server.DistanceCallback.

void ICSV.Server.CoordinateProvider.setDistanceProvider ( DistanceProvider  distanceProv)

Sets the distance provider, necessary to get distances for images.

distanceProvthe provider