ICSV - Image Color Similarity Visualization
Vienna Technical University - Course 'Visualization 2'. Author: Stefan Spelitz (0925601)
ICSV.Server.ImagePair Class Reference

Internal class for identifying a pair of images. The pair is uniquely identified by a combination of the identifiers of both images. More...

Public Member Functions

 ImagePair (ImageContainer i1, ImageContainer i2)
 A new image pair with the given images More...
override bool Equals (System.Object obj)
 Whether or not this object is equal to the given one. More...
bool Equals (ImagePair p)
 Whether or not this object is equal to the given one. More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 The hash code of this image pair More...


string IdCombined [get]

Detailed Description

Internal class for identifying a pair of images. The pair is uniquely identified by a combination of the identifiers of both images.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ICSV.Server.ImagePair.ImagePair ( ImageContainer  i1,
ImageContainer  i2 

A new image pair with the given images

i1image 1
i2image 2

Member Function Documentation

override bool ICSV.Server.ImagePair.Equals ( System.Object  obj)

Whether or not this object is equal to the given one.

objThe object to test equality against.
true if equal, otherwise false
bool ICSV.Server.ImagePair.Equals ( ImagePair  p)

Whether or not this object is equal to the given one.

pThe object to test equality against.
true if equal, otherwise false
override int ICSV.Server.ImagePair.GetHashCode ( )

The hash code of this image pair

the hash code

Property Documentation

string ICSV.Server.ImagePair.IdCombined