ICSV - Image Color Similarity Visualization
Vienna Technical University - Course 'Visualization 2'. Author: Stefan Spelitz (0925601)
ICSV.Server.MDS.MDS Class Reference

Easy access interface to the MDSJ component for Multi-Dimensional Scaling More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double[][] Mds (out string report, double[][] D, int dimensions, int rounds=0, int timeout=0, int stresschange=0)
 Runs a MDS algorithm. More precisely an approximation using landmark points.

See also
V. de Silva, J.B. Tenenbaum, Sparse multidimensional scaling using landmark points.

Detailed Description

Easy access interface to the MDSJ component for Multi-Dimensional Scaling

MDSJ available at http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/algo/software/mdsj/ Documentation at http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/algo/software/mdsj/javadoc/

Member Function Documentation

static double [][] ICSV.Server.MDS.MDS.Mds ( out string  report,
double  D[][],
int  dimensions,
int  rounds = 0,
int  timeout = 0,
int  stresschange = 0 

Runs a MDS algorithm. More precisely an approximation using landmark points.

See also
V. de Silva, J.B. Tenenbaum, Sparse multidimensional scaling using landmark points.

reporta documentation of the result's precision and remaining stress
Dthe square-sized distance matrix used to compute positions
dimensionsthe dimension of the resulting Euclidean space. Typically 2 or 3.
roundsthe maximum count of iterations used for computation. If the parameter is 0 it is ignored.
timeoutthe maximum time allowed for computation. In milliseconds. If the parameter is 0 it is ignored.
stresschangethe relative stress change between iterations must be below 10^(-stresschange). If the parameter is 0 it is ignored.
the resulting positions in the Euclidean space. Size: D x N, where D is the number of dimensions and N is the number of elements in the distance matrix (i.e. number of rows or columns)