ICSV - Image Color Similarity Visualization
Vienna Technical University - Course 'Visualization 2'. Author: Stefan Spelitz (0925601)
Package ICSV.Interface.Operations


class  CancelSearch
 DTO for cancelling a currently ongoing search More...
class  GetImageResults
 DTO for getting image results for the given search id. The result will be of GetImageResultsResponse More...
class  GetImageResultsResponse
 The response to an image results request More...
class  GetStatus
 DTO for requesting the status of a currently ongoing search. The result will be of GetStatusResponse More...
class  GetStatusResponse
 The response to a status request More...
class  SearchImages
 The request for starting a new search of images. The response will be SearchImagesResponse, which will deliver a search id for further request. More...
class  SearchImagesResponse
 The response of a new image search request. More...