% Plot Bezier Curves @author Mazurek/Bartalsky
0001 %% Plot Bezier Curves 0002 % @author Mazurek/Bartalsky 0003 0004 %% plotBezier.m parameters 0005 % * *Description:* 0006 % * Plots beziercurves from subcoordinates, this function computes 0007 % * all dimensions and returns a plot which is used by the axes in the GUI. 0008 % * *Input:* 0009 % * _M_ ... matrix of the multidimensional observations, rows are 0010 % dimensions, collumns are observations 0011 % * _subM_ ... matrix shaped like M, contains subcoordinates of the M matrix 0012 function plotBezier( M, subM) 0013 0014 hold on 0015 axis off 0016 plot([0 0],[0 1], 'black'); 0017 for b=1:size(M,2)-1 0018 sub=subM(b).subs; 0019 m = size(sub,2); 0020 n = size(sub,1); 0021 0022 t=(b-1:1/(m+1):b)'; 0023 plot([b b],[0 1], 'black'); 0024 x=[M(:,b) sub(:,:) M(:,b+1)]'; 0025 for a=1 : n 0026 x1=x(:,a); 0027 points=[t x1]; 0028 bc=bezier_(points, 30, []); 0029 plot(bc(:,1),bc(:,2),'r'); 0030 end 0031 end 0032 0033 end