< Master index Index for src >

Index for src

Matlab files in this directory:

 bezier_function [bezcurve, intcurveyy] = bezier_(points, numofpbc, intcurvexx, fig)
 computeForce% Visual Clustering of Parallel Coordinates
 generateEQ% Generating the Equations
 generateSubCoords% Computing the sub coordinates
 gui_main% Visual Clustering of Parallel Coordinates
 lineSegmentIntersectLINESEGMENTINTERSECT Intersections of line segments.
 lp_makerLP_MAKER Makes mixed integer linear programming problems.
 lp_solveLP_SOLVE Solves mixed integer linear programming problems.
 main% Visual Clustering of Parallel Coordinates
 mxlpsolvemxlpsolve Mex file interface to the lp_solve 5.5 toolkit. Please see MEX
 plotBezier% Plot Bezier Curves
 plotSubs% Plot SubCoords
 readInputREADINPUT Summary of this function goes here

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