Abgeschlossene Diplomarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten und Praktika

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl abgeschlossener Diplomarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten und Praktika.

669 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Christian Luksch
Implementation of an Improved Billboard Cloud Algorithm
[image] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Nicolas Pühringer
Sketch-based Modelling for Volume Visualization
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Herbert Grasberger
CSB: Combining traditional CSG with Blobs
Master Thesis
Alexander Kusternig
Real-Time Rendering of Dynamic Vegetation
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Stefan Müller
Interaktive Visualisierung Semantischer Graphen
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Matthias Froschauer
Interactive Optimization, Distance Computation and Data Estimation in Parallel Coordinates
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Michael Schwärzler
Accurate Soft Shadows in Real-Time Applications
[paper] [poster]
Master Thesis
Laura Fritz
Interactive Exploration and Quantification of Industrial CT Data
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Michael Beham, Manuel Hochmayr
Enhancing Vienna Scene
Student Project
title image Michael Birsak, Michael Hanzl
Student Project
A humanoid figure modeled and posed using a shape grammar. Stefan Fiedler
Procedural Human Posing Using CGA Grammars
[image] [report]
Student Project
Rene Fürst
Dynamic Fur Rendering
Student Project
Martin Kinkelin
GPU Volume Raycasting using Bounding Interval Hierarchies
Student Project
a texture atlas Wolfgang Knecht
Textture-atlases for large scenes
Student Project
Results on a cornell box scene. Thomas Mühlbacher, Clemens Arbesser
Lightcuts in CUDA
[Tech Report]
Student Project
Reinhold PreinerORCID iD
Global Illumination for Point Clouds
Student Project
Wolfgang Deix
Der Re-Compose Prototyp
Master Thesis
Gerlinde Emsenhuber
Visibility Histograms in Direct Volume Rendering
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Wolf Reitsamer
Texture Synthesis for Urban Data
[image] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Andreas Ammer
Linking Science Together: How Networking Can Support Research – a Peer-to-Peer Approach
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Philipp Hartl
Visualization of Calendar Data
[DAEV] [image] [poster] [Thesis] [vcd-paper]
Master Thesis
Marius Gavrilescu
Visualization of Segmented Cine Data
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Andreas Monitzer
Fluid Simulation on the GPU with Complex Obstacles Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Dey-Fuch Chiu
Penta G - A Game Engine for Real-Time Rendering Research
Master Thesis
Manfred Satzer
Console Engine Design on the Example of the PlayStation 2 in Comparison to the PC
Master Thesis
Murat Sari
Photorealistic Rendering Of Measured BRDF Data
Master Thesis
Anton Frühstück
GPU based Clipmaps
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Wolfgang Altendorfer
Void Tracking in SiC Particle Reinforced Al
Master Thesis
Wolfgang Freiler
Set Type Enabled Information Visualization
[image] [paper]
Master Thesis
Gernot Gebhart
Automatisches Generieren von 3D-Straßensystemen
Master Thesis
Andreas Schöllhuber
Automatic Segmentation of Contrast Enhanced Cardiac MRI for Myocardial Perfusion Analysis
Master Thesis
Florian Bagar
Soft Shadow Maps with Smoothies
Student Project
Clemens Brandorff
OntoVis - Illumination correction of histological cut imagery for ontology data
Student Project
Visual Versioning in action Herbert Grasberger
Visual Versioning
Student Project
Herbert Grasberger
Introduction to Stereo Rendering
Student Project
Jasper van de Gronde
Compressed Sensing Overview
Student Project
Thomas Kment
Comparing Colour Constancy Algorithms
Student Project
OgreCollada Philipp Kogelnig
Student Project
shadows in terrain scene Christian Luksch
Pixel Accurate Shadows with Shadow Mapping
Student Project
Ingo Radax
Animation Library
Student Project
Thomas Weber
Spherical Harmonics
Student Project
Robert Fizimayer
A Real-Time Cloud Animation and Illumination Method
Master Thesis
Paul Guerrero
Approximative Real-time Soft Shadows and Diffuse Reflections in Dynamic Scenes
Master Thesis
Johannes Kehrer
Integrating Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Time Series Data into the SimVis System
Master Thesis
Benjamin Roch
Real-Time Tone Mapping Using Selective Rendering
Master Thesis
Matthias Bauchinger
Designing a Modern Rendering Engine
Master Thesis
Martin Haidacher
Importance-Driven Rendering in Interventional Imaging
[Masterthesis] [Video]
Master Thesis
Gregor Lehninger
Simulation von städtischem Verkehr
Master Thesis
Alexander Brandstätter
Visualization of Online Sales Databases
Master Thesis
Markus Lipp
Interactive Computer Generated Architecture
Master Thesis
|◀ Results 501 - 550 of 669 ▶|
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