Abgeschlossene Diplomarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten und Praktika

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl abgeschlossener Diplomarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten und Praktika.

669 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Georg Selig
Vorberechnete interaktive physikalisch-basierte Animation von Vegetation am Beispiel Gras
Master Thesis
Franz Daubner
HDR Capturing Tool for Canon EOS Digital SLRs
[User Manual]
Student Project
Michael Schwärzler, Martin Knecht
Soft Shadows Using Adaptive Subdivision
Student Project
HDR_Screenshot Christian Luksch
Realtime HDR Rendering
Student Project
Benjamin Riegler, Lorand Tompa-Antal
Soft Shadow Maps with Backprojection
Student Project
Wolfgang Wenigwieser
Convolution Shadow Maps
Student Project
Matthias Bernhard
Efficient CPU-based Direct Volume Rendering for CT-Angiography
Master Thesis
image Moritz Gerl
Volume Hatching for Illustrative Visualization
Master Thesis
Markus Sabadello
History of Electronic Games
Master Thesis
Georg Spielmann
A New Efficient Real-Time Global Tone Mapping Method
Master Thesis
Erald Vucini
Master Thesis
Christian Steiner
Shadow Volumes in Complex Scenes
Master Thesis
A polyhedron for volume of intereste selction. Raphael Bürger
Ausarbeitung und Implementierung eines Verfahrens zum Editieren eines 3D-Volumens
Master Thesis
Stephansdom from inside Claus Scheiblauer
Hardware-Accelerated Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds
Master Thesis
Nuno Daniel Raposo Subtil
Implementation of Dispersion Rendering Capabilities in the Advanced Rendering Toolkit
Master Thesis
Clemens Brandorff
Student Project
Loris Faustner
Stereoscopic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Student Project
Paul Guerrero
Rendering of Forest Scenes
Student Project
Collada import Philipp Hartl
Student Project
Bernhard Holzer
High Dynamic Range Image Formats
Student Project
Stefan Marek
Flowfield-driven Volume Deformation
Student Project
Stephan Pajer
Modern Texture Mapping in Computer Graphics
Student Project
Florian Rudolf
Interactive Displacement Mapping using GPU ray casting
Student Project
Leopold Kühschelm
Advanced Image-based Transfer Function Design
Master Thesis
Olivier Toromanoff
An Adaptable Real-time Soft Shadow Algorithm for Multi-lit Semi-static Scenes
Master Thesis
Sebastian Zambal
3D Active Appearance Models for Segmentation of Cardiac MRI Data
Master Thesis
PNG Daniel Scherzer
Shadow Mapping of Large Environments
[Diploma Thesis]
Master Thesis
Martin Artner
High-Quality Volume Rendering with Resampling in the Frequency Domain
Master Thesis
Christoph Dräger
A ChainMail Algorithm for Direct Volume Deformation in Virtual Endoscopy Applications
Master Thesis
Alexander Hartmann
An Advanced Data Structure for Large Medical Datasets
Master Thesis
Peter Rautek
D²VR High-Quality Volume Rendering of Projection-based Volumetric Data
Master Thesis
Henning Scharsach
Advanced Raycasting for Virtual Endoscopy on Consumer Graphics Hardware
Master Thesis
Martin Haidacher
Multiscale Nodule Detection in CT Data
Student Project
Georg Selig
Forest Rendering in Ogre
Student Project
Christopher Thurnher, Bernhard Pflugfelder
Importance Driven Volume Rendering
Student Project
http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/courses/projekte/vis/finished/MTrenkwalder/index.html Markus Trenkwalder
Student Project
Michael Knapp
Memory Allocation Strategies for Large Volumetric Data-Sets
Master Thesis
Stefan BrucknerORCID iD
Efficient Volume Visualization of Large Medical Datasets
Master Thesis
Oliver Mattausch
Practical Reconstruction Schemes and Hardware-Accelerated Direct Volume Rendering on Body-Centered Cubic Grids
Master Thesis
Martin Haidacher
Merkmals-Visualisierung für Volumsdaten
Student Project
Florian Kleber
Transfer-Function Editor mit erweiterteten Möglichkeiten
Student Project
Harald Piringer
Occlusion Culling Using Hardware-Based Occlusion Queries
Master Thesis
Screenshot Oliver Mattausch
Evenly-Spaced Illuminated Streamlines in 3D
Student Project
Sebastian Zambal
Adapting the Shear Warp Algorithm to the BCC Grid
Student Project
Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Applications of Hardware-Accelerated Filtering in Computer Graphics
Master Thesis
Georg Zotti
A Multi-Purpose Virtual Reality Model of the Solar System (VRMoSS)
Master Thesis
Gerald Hummel
Modellierung von Straßen für Echtzeitvisualisierung
Master Thesis
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interaktive Techniken im Bereich des dreidimensionalen Modelings
Master Thesis
St. Wagner
Software-Entwicklungswerkzeuge für graphische Benutzeroberflächen am Beispiel OSF/Motif
Master Thesis
G. Ottendorfer
HAL (Hypothetic Assembler Language) Definition und Implementation
Master Thesis
|◀ Results 551 - 600 of 669 ▶|
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