- Markus Diem
- Normal Estimation for very large unprocessed Point Clouds using Commodity Graphics Hardware (DAAV) (DAAV)Stefan Marek
- Vlastimil Havran (Czech Technical University in Prague)
- CG-Club Antrittsvortrag (CG-Club Application)Michael Schwärzler
- Gottfried Eibner
- Vis report (Conference Report)Erald Vucini
- Towards Omni-directional Reflectance Fields (Guest Talk)Hendrik Lensch (MPI, Germany)
- Przemyslaw Musialski
- Benjamin Roch
- Marco Dörflinger
- Robert Fizimayer
- Rene Donner
- Ole Ciliox (ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Anton Frühstück
- Surface Extraction from Multi-Material Components for Metrology using Dual Energy CT (Vis Test Talk) (Conference Test Talk)Christoph Heinzl
- CoViCAD: Comprehensive Visualization of Coronary Artery Disease (Vis Test Talk) (Conference Test Talk)Maurice Termeer
- Salvador Lopez
- Introduction (Introductory Talk)Markus Lipp
- Matthias Bauchinger
- GI conference report (Conference Report)Muddassir Malik
- Veronika Solteszova
- Test Talk CMV (Conference Test Talk)Raphael Bürger
- Functional approximation and visual analytics tools (Guest Talk)Yun Jang (Swiss National Supercomputing Centre)
- Samuel Peltier
- NorVis/EuroVis conference report (Conference Report)Peter Kohlmann