Graphics meets Games
Join the fun as computer graphics researchers and game developers meet at Eurographics 2006!
Digital games have paved the way for computer graphics to become a mainstream technology. Conversely, computer graphics has elevated digital games to a popularity never seen before. Eurographics acknowledges this fact by dedicating a whole new program track to the interface between these two phenomena.
Graphics meets Games contains several exciting elements:
GmG1Graphics meets Games Competition
Visit the games showfloor, featuring the contestants chosen
for the Graphics meets Games competition! Your role is
important: choose the game that shows the coolest interactive
graphical effect - your vote will select the winner of this
year's competition!
GGGraphics meets Games Talks
Listen to well-known game community professionals in special
game industry sessions, as they talk about new industry
challenges and technologies at the interface between research
and game development.
GmG2Physical Games
Enter the game itself as GmG meets the physical reality in
our physical games installations: roll in the VirtuSphere, be
the Pong or play the robots, all on the games showfloor.
GGGraphics meets Games Panel
Participate in a panel session with game developers,
researchers and middleware developers.