June 29 - July 1, 1998
Vienna, Austria
Aims and Scope:
Following successful workshops in the last eight years, the ninth Eurographics workshop on Rendering will take place in Vienna, Austria. It is organized by the Institute of Computer Graphics at the Vienna University of Technology in association with Eurographics, in the context of the Eurographics Working Group on Rendering activities. The workshop is well established as a major international forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences in the area of rendering algorithms and techniques.
Submissions are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
- Local and global illumination and reflection models and methods
- Monte Carlo and finite element techniques
- Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
- Visibility algorithms
- Human perception and error measures
- Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
- Image-based rendering
- New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware
- Rendering on low end graphics platforms
- Experimental or practice-and-experience comparative studies of existing methods
- Rendering solutions for virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems
Research and development driven by real-world applications are encouraged. In order to include application reports and papers with preliminary results or speculative ideas, a short paper category is available in addition to full papers. The category of submitted papers will be decided based on the reviewing results, but authors may submit papers specifically to the short paper category. As has been the tradition in previous workshops, the presentation format will allow for ample discussion time. The number of participants will be limited to 90. Invited lectures will be given by Anthony Apodaca from Pixar Animation Studios, USA, and Tomoyuki Nishita from Fukuyama University, Japan.
Authors are requested to submit five printed copies of a paper and five copies of any accompanying video to one of the two Programme Committee Chairs listed below. The length should be no more than 12 pages (6 pages for a short paper). If a video is submitted, an effort should be made to include the segment in both PAL and NTSC on the same VHS tape, to ensure that it can be seen by all reviewers.
A cover sheet should also be included with information on the author to be contacted, with postal address, email, telephone, and fax number. In addition to the local proceedings distributed at the workshop, the proceedings will be published as a book by Springer, which is planned to be part of the SIGGRAPH Plus membership package. An authors toolkit including LaTeX and MS Word style files is available from the conference Web page. Submissions missing the April 1 deadline will be considered with reduced priority, to the extent practical within the short review cycle.
To facilitate the assignment of reviewers we strongly urge authors to send an e-mail to both co-chairs containing the names and institutions of all authors, and the (not necessarily final) title and abstract of the submission, by midnight (CEST) March 26, 1998.
- Submission deadline: April 1, 1998
- Author notification: May 20, 1998
- Final copy deadline: June 8, 1998
- Workshop: June 29 - July 1, 1998
The fee of about 350 SFr for EG members (480 SFr for non-members) includes lunch and coffee in the breaks, workshop handouts and the final proceedings book (that will be mailed after the workshop). Student discounts will be made available based on sponsoring. A social event is also planned and will be charged separately.
Detailed information including tourist information on Vienna and its area can be found here.
Organising chairman:
Robert F. Tobler
Institute of Computer Graphics
Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13/186/2
A-1040 Vienna, AUSTRIA
tel: (+43 1) 58801 4575 fax: (+43 1) 587 4932
e-mail: rft@cg.tuwien.ac.at
Programme Committee Chairs:
George Drettakis
Bat. C (1er), 220, rue de la chimie, Domaine Universitaire
BP 53, F-38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, FRANCE
tel: (+33) 4 76 63 56 46 fax (+33) 4 76 63 55 80
e-mail: George.Drettakis@imag.fr
Nelson Max
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Avenue Livermore,
California 94550, USA
tel: (+1) 925 422 4074 fax: (+1) 925 423 4139
e-mail: max2@llnl.gov
Programme Committee:
K. Bouatouch (F) S. Collins (IRL) J. Dorsey (USA) G. Drettakis (F) P. Dutré (B) E. Fiume (CAN) A. Glassner (USA) S. Gortler (USA) F. Jansen (NL) A. Keller (D) D. Lischinski (ISR) N. Max (USA) L. McMillan (USA) L. Neumann (H) P. Poulin (CAN) C. Puech (F) X. Pueyo (E) W. Purgathofer (A) H. Rushmeier (USA) P. Schröder (USA) H.P. Seidel (D) P. Shirley (USA) F. Sillion (F) P. Slussalek (D) W. Stürzlinger (USA) T. Takahashi (JP) G. Ward Larson (USA) H. Wann Jensen (D)
A one-page formatted version of this call is available in PostScript form formatted for DIN A4 paper (uncompressed or gzipped version) or US-letter paper (uncompressed or gzipped version).
Please post and distribute this announcement freely.
This page is maintained by Jan Prikryl and Alexander Wilkie. It was last updated on April 19, 1998.
If you have any comments, please send a message to wilkie@cg.tuwien.ac.at, prikryl@cg.tuwien.ac.at.