Image |
Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2007 |
Attila Neumann, Alessandro Artusi, László Neumann, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer
Accurate Display Gamma Functions based on Human Observation
Color Research & Applications, 32(4):310-319, 2007. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2005 |
Vlastimil Havran, Attila Neumann, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer , Hans-Peter Seidel
On Cross-Validation and Resampling of BRDF Data Measurements
In Proceedings SCCG 2005, pages 161-168. May 2005.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti, Attila Neumann, Werner Purgathofer
Approximating Real-World Luminaires with OpenGL Lights
In WSCG 2005 Short Paper Proceedings, pages 49-52. February 2005.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
2004 |
Attila Neumann, Alessandro Artusi, László Neumann, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer
Human Observation Based Generalized Gamma Functions
TR-186-2-04-13, December 2004 [ ] |
Technical Report |
Attila Neumann, Alessandro Artusi, Georg Zotti, László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer
Interactive Perception Based Model for Characterization of Display device
In Color Imaging IX: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications IX. January 2004.
[ Interactive Perception Based Display Characterization] |
Conference Paper |
László Neumann, Attila Neumann
Gamut Clipping and Mapping based on Coloroid System
In Proceedings of Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision, pages 548-555. 2004.
[ Gamut Clipping and Mapping] |
Conference Paper |
Attila Neumann
2004, San Jose
[ slides] |
Invited Talk |
2003 |
Alessandro Artusi, Jirí Bittner , Michael Wimmer , Alexander Wilkie
Delivering Interactivity to Complex Tone Mapping Operators
In Rendering Techniques 2003 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 38-44. June 2003.
[ Paper] |
Conference Paper |
2002 |
K. Devlin, A. Chalmers, Alexander Wilkie , Werner Purgathofer
STAR Report on Tone Reproduction and Physically Based Spectral Rendering
In Eurographics 2002. 2002.
Other Reviewed Publication |