Vision: reconstruct a model of the world that permits online level-of-detail extraction. The core idea in this project is to interactively integrate sensed 3D data of varying sources and scales into a topologically clean surface. Our varying-scale model then permits online extraction of seamless levels of detail for rendering with minimal aliasing and popping artifacts. For this, we develop new topological guarantees to minimize the needed geometry. By exploiting the inherent redundancy of 2D surfaces in 3D, we design a fast way to robustly detect changes that let users better control the scan acquisition process. The topologically clean output surface and the change detection permit easy processing of the geometry for common use cases such as autonomous navigation, environment learning, augmented reality displays of georeferenced semantic information. An example application is fusing and distributing scans from the built-in sensors of multiple autonomous vehicles (ground, air), for incidental map updating as well as guaranteed efficient collision detection and tracking changes for path planning.


  • WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds ICT19-009


Research Areas

  • Uses concepts from applied mathematics and computer science to design efficient algorithms for the reconstruction, analysis, manipulation, simulation and transmission of complex 3D models. Example applications are collision detection, reconstruction, compression, occlusion-aware surface handling and improved sampling conditions.


22 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Peter Fuchs
Efficient User Guidance to Next-Best-View Scan Positions
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Steinheber
Observation and Tracking of Plant Health using Computer Vision
Bachelor Thesis
Diana MarinORCID iD, Amal Dev Parakkat, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Steve OudotORCID iD, Pooran Memari
SING: Stability-Incorporated Neighborhood Graph
In SA '24: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers, pages 1-10. December 2024.
Conference Paper
Matyas Hoffer-Toth
CycleSafely on mobile
Bachelor Thesis
Diana MarinORCID iD, Filippo MaggioliORCID iD, Simone MelziORCID iD, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Reconstructing Curves from Sparse Samples on Riemannian Manifolds
Computer Graphics Forum, 43(5):e15136, June 2024.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Diana MarinORCID iD
Sampling and reconstructing point clouds, 28. May 2024, Graz
Invited Talk
Diana MarinORCID iD, Patrick KomonORCID iD, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Distributed Surface Reconstruction
Poster shown at 45th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics 2024) (22. April 2024-26. April 2024) In EG 2024 - Posters .
Diana MarinORCID iD, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parameter-free connectivity for point clouds
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 1, HUCAPP and IVAPP, pages 92-102. February 2024.
Conference Paper
Amal Dev Parakkat, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Elmar Eisemann, Pooran Memari
BallMerge: High‐quality Fast Surface Reconstruction via Voronoi Balls
Computer Graphics Forum, 43(2), 2024. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Amal Dev Parakkat, Pooran Memari
Feature-Sized Sampling for Vector Line Art
In Proceedings of the 31th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, pages 1-2. October 2023.
[paper] [talk]
Conference Paper
Brigitte Withalm
Transport Mode Detection Segmentation
Bachelor Thesis
Diana MarinORCID iD, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parameter-Free and Improved Connectivity for Point Clouds
Poster shown at Eurographics 2023 ( 8. May 2023-12. May 2023) In Eurographics 2023 - Posters , pages 5-6.
Michael Rubik
CycleSafely Acquire Data
Bachelor Thesis
Diana MarinORCID iD, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
SIGDT: 2D Curve Reconstruction
Computer Graphics Forum, 41(7):25-36, October 2022. [Paper] [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Ahmed El Agrod
Immersive Redesign
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD
Curve/Surface Reconstruction and Occlusion-enabled Applications, 2. May 2022, LiX Polytechnique, Saclay-Paris, France
Invited Talk
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Amal Dev Parakkat, Jiju Peethambaran
Shape Reconstruction: From Theory to Practice
In Eurographics 2022 - Tutorials. April 2022.
Other Reviewed Publication
Diana MarinORCID iD, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
SIG-based Curve Reconstruction
Poster shown at Eurographics 2022 - 43rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (25. April 2022-29. April 2022) In Eurographics 2022 - Posters .
[paper] [poster] [Paper]
Thomas Steinschauer
Change Detection using the InfiniTAM framework
[bachelor thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Amal Dev Parakkat, Jiju Peethambaran
ECCV 2022 Tutorial on Outline and Shape Reconstruction in 2D, 22-10-23-22-10-27, Tel Aviv
Invited Talk
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Jiju Peethambaran, Amal Dev Parakkat, Tamal K Dey, Ramanathan Muthuganapathy
2D Points Curve Reconstruction Survey and Benchmark
Computer Graphics Forum, 1:611-632, March 2021. [paper] [Website]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Dennis Depner
3D Scan Integration
[paper] [source]
Bachelor Thesis
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