Quicktime VR
2. Introducing techniques:
2.1. Modelling and Rendering:
For each sorrounding or object there are 6 degrees of freedom,
like the sides of a cube to move it through a three dimensional
space. Modelling and Rendering is supported by special software
products making it possible to create scenes from self-made objects
and spaces. Three main problems remain:
- Creating objects and spaces is a manual process (wastes time
and resources)
- Scene complexity (modelling every detail is impossible, rendering
much details costs performance and hardware recources)
- limited availabilty (results from point 2, special hardware
and software are expensive)
- This results in limitations not possible to get rid of without
changing the technique. Faster and cheaper hardware eliminates
the third point and partially satisfies the first. Scene complexity
exists as an unlimited factor, not getting satisfied at any time.
Manually implemting details is always making a compromise.
2.2. Branching Movies:
- Another approach to synthesize and navigate through a virtual
environment is branching movies, a technique priviously used in
game industry. The scene is a construct of a net of paths to walk
on connected to each other on well-defined branching points. The
images are playbacked from an analog or digital videoplayer. The
main problems remaining:
- limited navigability and interaction (restricted by the complexity
of path-connections)
- high amount of storage space for movie data
- The advantages are:
- greatest complexity
- inexpensive, common in- and output devices
2.3. Objectives:
- A new approach is to define objects as special artifacts of
a virtual environment. Using special storage techniques described
later it is possible to focus on details of an object. Speed and
Quality are the main features which should be supported by a special
object viewing system.
2.4. Summary:
For the implementation of a virtual reality framework, the developers
of Quicktime VR decided to design the system as open as possible.
Support for Rendering and Modelling is necessary for implementing
not yet existing objects and scenes. Branching Movies have the
capability to fulfill real-time constraints and complexity of
existing environments. Non-existing objects can also be constructed
mixing both techniques by building a model of the objects and
scenes and making photographies or films afterwards. Another design
aspect was to implement an real-time image processing engine,
flexible enough to consider different speed on hardware level.
So the following mixture built the base for implementation of
Quicktime VR:
- allow film-sequences, photos or rendered images (as open .TIFF
format) to describe data for 360° panorama or object view
- orientation independence within panoramas (implemented as
a cylindrical .TIFF image)
- real-time processing on different speed (makes it possible
to present 0 to 30 and more image-frames per second)
1. Abstractation of the topic
3. Techical Details
4. How's Quicktime implemented
5. Future Directions
Back to Overview