In this paper they are using Frame-to-Frame coherence and another rendering method. Based in a previous work that was just for parallel projection. It is useful for external views since the distance from the viewer to the data is relatively large but it is not useful to go inside the volume where the viewer is inside the data.
The view frustum :
The coherence between nearby frames f is used.
The results from the computation of a given view are used to
compute f successive frames, after which a refresh view must
be produced.
Sampling is obtaining the color and opacity of a point in
the ray. (Interpolation, Transfer functions mapping, and
shading or light calculation).
Composition is Volumetric composition equation in a
front to back.
The algorithm is divided in 2 phases.
Figure: 2D illustration of the segments computed by the
two-phase algorithm. The horizontal lines represent the
rectangles into which the segments are to be mapped
Figure: Rendering comparison:
a) Brute force perspective raycasting.
b) The two phase algorithm.
c) Difference between the two multiplied by 10.
Figure: Tables of times and comparisons
Figure: 2D illustration of the resampling of S during translation
PROBLEM It implies bigger and this
implies the orientation of the S on the periphery of the
view do not match.( See figure
The new segment s is bilaterally interpolated by the 4
segments nearest to s which is not parallel to the
4. Which are the weights distance of the interpolation?
SOLUTIONS Average Distance or the resampling
depends upon relative distance within the plane of the
rectangle. Towards the edges the weighting is closer
to the middle of the segments. In the middle distances
are based on the position of the front.
Figure: The initial segment data structure is depicted in
gray and should be 2 wider that the field of view
Figure: Tables of times and comparisons