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Fast perspective projection volume navigation [] []

In this paper they are using Frame-to-Frame coherence and another rendering method. Based in a previous work that was just for parallel projection. It is useful for external views since the distance from the viewer to the data is relatively large but it is not useful to go inside the volume where the viewer is inside the data.

Previous statements
It is supposed that the volume is isotropic. The sampling distance is tex2html_wrap_inline1760 . All the units in the paper are written in units of the voxel spacing tex2html_wrap_inline1760 .

The view frustum :

The coherence between nearby frames f is used.
The results from the computation of a given view are used to compute f successive frames, after which a refresh view must be produced. Sampling is obtaining the color and opacity of a point in the ray. (Interpolation, Transfer functions mapping, and shading or light calculation).
Composition is Volumetric composition equation in a front to back.
The algorithm is divided in 2 phases.

Phase 1
(figure gif): Short ray segments are cast composite color computing the composite color and transparency for each segment.
Assumed that the sampling rate is tex2html_wrap_inline1760 for simplicity.

Figure: 2D illustration of the segments computed by the two-phase algorithm. The horizontal lines represent the rectangles into which the segments are to be mapped

Phase 2
Construct approximations of the full rays in the second phase.
Done using 2D-texture-Mapping tex2html_wrap_inline1816 for each level (acceleration hardware).
or from l=0 to l=L-2 resampling level l from tex2html_wrap_inline1808 to tex2html_wrap_inline1838 and composing with level l+1. not used


Figure: Rendering comparison: a) Brute force perspective raycasting. b) The two phase algorithm. c) Difference between the two multiplied by 10.

Figure: Tables of times and comparisons

Interactive Navigation
: Phase 1 can be reused to approximate frames from viewpoint near the base position (the position from where the phase 1 was calculated).

To avoid jerky motion due to the periodic pause to fresh the samples when the view position is out of tex2html_wrap_inline1854 . New position of refresh can be estimated (long translations in a direction or rotations about an axis) and spread it during the frames calculation.

Viewpoint Translation.
(See figure gif).given tex2html_wrap_inline1856

Viewpoint Rotation
(figure gif)given tex2html_wrap_inline1856

Figure: The initial segment data structure is depicted in gray and should be 2 tex2html_wrap_inline1848 wider that the field of view

See table 2 in figure gif) in order to compare time savings.

Figure: Tables of times and comparisons

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Lukas Mroz
Tue Feb 9 12:46:24 MET 1999